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《How Is School Going?》School Life PPT教學課件

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《How Is School Going?》School Life PPT教學課件《How Is School Going?》School Life PPT教學課件《How Is School Going?》School Life PPT教學課件《How Is School Going?》School Life PPT教學課件

《How Is School Going?》School Life PPT教學課件

第一部分內容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

life,term,start,finish,twice,win,social,myself,sports meet,twice a year,by oneself,long jump,be good at

Key sentences:

1.How is your school life going?

2.Well,I am a little busy this term. 

3.Me too. 

4.I usually finish at 5:00 p.m. 

5.We always have a big sports meet twice a year. 

6.Last term I won first place!

7.You're good at the long jump.

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How Is School Going?PPT,第二部分內容:Words and expressions

life  n. 生活

term  n. 學期

start  v. 開始;出發

finish  v. 完成;結束

twice  adv. 兩次;兩倍

win  v. 贏得;獲勝

yeah  int. 是;對

social  adj. 社會的

shop  n. 手工藝課

myself  pron. 我自己

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How Is School Going?PPT,第三部分內容:Presentation

Let's Do It!

1.Listen and write down what subjects they have.

2.Read the  the lesson and answer the questions.

1. How is Jenny's school life going?

A little busy.

2. How many classes does Wang Mei have every day?

Six classes.

3. What is Wang Mei's  favourite subject?

P.E is her  favourite subject.

4. What is Jenny's  favourite subject?

Shop is her  favourite subject.

5.What did Jenny make in shop class last week?

She made a bird house all by herself.

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How Is School Going?PPT,第四部分內容:Language points

1.How is your school life going? 

(1)How is ...going?意為“……怎么樣?/……如何?/……還好嗎?”,相當于How is ...?如:How is everything going recently?最近一切都還好嗎?

(2)life在句中作不可數名詞,意為“生活”。它還可作可數名詞,意為“生命,一生”,其復數形式是lives。常用短語:lose one's life失去生命;live a/an...life過著……的生活;full of life充滿活力;come to life復活;all one's life一生,一輩子;save one's life挽救某人的生命。如:Our school life is colourful.我們的學校生活豐富多彩。

2.Well,I am a little busy this term. 

(1)a little意為“一點”。后面接形容詞或副詞,它也可修飾不可數名詞。如:He feels a little thirsty.他感覺有點兒渴。

(2)busy作形容詞,意為“忙的;繁忙的;熱鬧的;(電話)占線的。”常用短語:be busy with sth.忙于某事;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。如:I was busy with my children.我忙于照顧孩子。He is busy doing his homework.他正忙著做家庭作業。

3. I usually finish at 5:00 p.m. 

(1)usually是頻度副詞,意為“通常”,用來表示動作發生的頻率。常用在一般現在時的句子中,位于實義動詞之前,系動詞、助動詞、情態動詞之后。常用來回答由how often提出的問題。

(2)finish在此句中作不及物動詞,意為“結束,完成”;它也可作及物動詞,后接動詞時,需接動名詞形式。如:The task will be finished this week.任務這周將會完成。

4.We always have a big sports meet twice a year. 

(1)have a sports meet意為“舉行運動會”。have在此處的意思是“舉行;舉辦”。

如:We will have a class meet this afternoon.今天下午我們將舉行班會。

(2)twice兩次,表示頻率。常用搭配:twice a week 每周兩次;think twice重新考慮,再想一次。

如:Li Hui plays computer games twice a week.李輝每周玩兩次電腦游戲。

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How Is School Going?PPT,第五部分內容:Exercises


1.Li Ming plays basketball______  (two) a week. 

2.I hope everything______  (go) well. 

3.Can you finish _________   (make) the

model ship this morning? 

4.Many people lost their______  (life) in the traffic accident(交通事故). 

5.Li Fang is good at__________ (draw).

二、 單項選擇

1. Tom did well ________ playing football when he was very young.I hope he'll be the best player in our school.

A.of  B.at 

C.in  D.about

2. —Great!Our women's volleyball team________the gold medal in Rio Olympic Games on Saturday.

—Yes.We see the great spirit of Chinese women's volleyball team once again.

A.won  B.beat C.lost  D.missed

3. My little brother didn't go to bed until he finished________his homework last night.

A.do  B.doing 

C.to do    D. did

4. Don't make a noise.Danny is busy________ his homework.

A.do  B.doing 

C.to do D.does

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How Is School Going?PPT,第六部分內容:Summary

1.Learned some new words and phrases.

2.Learned to talk about school life.

3.Mater the words about subjects.


1. Review and recite the imporant points of Lesson 13. 

2. Try to make up a dialogue about shool lfie.

3. Preview Lesson 14.

關鍵詞:冀教版七年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,How Is School Going?PPT下載,School LifePPT下載,.PPT格式;

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