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《Making a Difference》School Life PPT教學課件

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《Making a Difference》School Life PPT教學課件《Making a Difference》School Life PPT教學課件《Making a Difference》School Life PPT教學課件

《Making a Difference》School Life PPT教學課件



1.  村莊,鄉村 ['vɪlɪdʒ] n.________

2.放棄;停止 [drɒp] v.________

3.可能的 ['pɒsəbl] adj.________

4.未來 ['fjuːtʃə] n.________ 

5.  different adj.→ n.________ 

6.you pron.→反身代詞_____________

7.always adv.→反義詞________

8.education [ˌedjʊ'keɪʃn]n. ________


1.   退學;輟學________________


3.give up________________

4.in every possible way ______________



You can ________ a good life ________ yourself.


She always helps us ________ every ________ ________.


Last year, I ________ ________ give up my studies. 


I want to ________ ________ ________ in the future. 

... ... ...

Making a DifferencePPT,第二部分內容:課堂互動探究


1difference n. 差異;差別

[觀察] With a good education, you can make a difference.


Can you tell the differences between the twins? 


[探究] difference是名詞,意為“差異;差別”,既可作可數名詞,也可作不可數名詞。make a difference意為“________________”;the difference(s) between…意為“……之間的差別”。

[拓展] difference的形容詞形式為different,意為“不同的”,常用短語be different from意為“與……不同”。different的副詞形式為differently。如:

Tom is quite different from Danny. 湯姆和丹尼有很大的不同。

The only difference between the twins is that they dress differently.


2give up  放棄

[觀察] Last year, I wanted to give up my studies.


I am not good at English, but I will never give it up. 


To keep healthy, you should give up drinking. 


[探究] (1)give up 意為“放棄”,其后接名詞、代詞或動名詞作賓語。give up ________(doing/to do) sth.意為“放棄做某事”。

(2)代詞作其賓語時,要放在give 和up 之間,并且代詞要用________形式。如:give them up放棄它們。

... ... ...

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