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《I Can't Wait for Winter!》Seasons PPT課件下載

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《I Can\t Wait for Winter!》Seasons PPT課件下載《I Can\t Wait for Winter!》Seasons PPT課件下載《I Can\t Wait for Winter!》Seasons PPT課件下載

《I Can't Wait for Winter!》Seasons PPT課件下載



1.  研究;調查 [rɪ'sɜːtʃ] n.&v. ________ 

2.網站 ['websaɪt] n. ________

3.山丘;小山 [hɪl] n. ________

4.  冰 [aɪs] n.________ 

5.晴朗的;明亮的;清澈的 [klɪə] adj. ________


1.  等待________________ 




1.  但是不要忘記(戴上)你們的圍巾、帽子和手套。

But don't ________ ________ ________, hats and gloves.

2.  丹尼,那看起來真的很好。

That looks ________ ________, Danny.

3.  我迫不及待地盼望著冬天(的到來)。

I ________ ________ ________ winter.

4.  我將玩得很高興!

________ ________ ________have a great time!

... ... ...

I Can't Wait for Winter!PPT,第二部分內容:課堂互動探究


1research n.& v. 研究;調查

[觀察] I'm doing some research for my report about my favourite season. 


These scientists are researching the disease of the blood.


[探究] research既可以作名詞,也可以作動詞,意為“研究;調查”。它作_______詞時,常構成短語do some research,意為“___________”, 其后常跟介詞on, about或for。

2clear adj. 晴朗的;明亮的;清澈的

[觀察] Enjoy a clear, cold night beside a warm fire.


[探究] clear用作________詞時,意為“晴朗的;明亮的;清澈的”。如:

clear sky 晴朗的天空

clear glasses 明亮的眼鏡

[拓展] clear還可用作動詞,意為“清掃;掃除”。如:

Please help us clear the snow from the pavement. 



1You can even get the family together and make a snowman.  


[探究]  get…together意為“___________”,中間可以跟名詞或代詞賓格。

[拓展] get together意為“聚會,聯歡”,為不及物動詞短語。如:

My classmates often get together on weekends. 


2I can't wait for winter.


[探究] wait一般用作不及物動詞,意為“等待”。其用法如下:

(1)can't wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事

(2)wait for sb./sth. ________________

(3)wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事

The children can't wait to open the gifts.


Everyone is waiting for the food to come.


... ... ...

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