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《You Are What You Eat!》Sports and Good Health PPT課件

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《You Are What You Eat!》Sports and Good Health PPT課件《You Are What You Eat!》Sports and Good Health PPT課件《You Are What You Eat!》Sports and Good Health PPT課件《You Are What You Eat!》Sports and Good Health PPT課件

《You Are What You Eat!》Sports and Good Health PPT課件

第一部分內容:Let's learn some new words.

truth  n.  真相; 真實

e.g. I must tell you the truth.   


habit  n. 習慣; 行為

e.g. Reading is a good habit.


health n.  健康; 健康狀態

e.g. Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.  


saying  n.  俗語; 諺語

e.g. As the saying goes the early bird catches the worm.   

諺語說, 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。 

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You Are What You Eat!PPT,第二部分內容:Listening

1. Danny and Jenny are having lunch. (    )

2. Danny is eating a salad. (    )

3. Danny likes vegetables very much. (    )

4. Danny decided to change his eating habits.(    )

Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. Danny ate ten donuts as usual  yesterday evening? (     )

2. Danny says: “ I woke up and I was scared.  ___ I decided to eat more vegetables.”

3. What happened to Danny in his room?

He had a bad dream.

4. Why did Danny decided to change his eating habits?

He didn’t want to become a big donut.

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You Are What You Eat!PPT,第三部分內容:Language points

1. To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits.

1) to tell you the truth  說實話

e.g. To tell you the truth, I was really happy at that time.

說真的, 當時我實在很高興。

2) decide  v.  決定; 作出判斷

decide to do sth. 決定做某事


I decided to wear the skirt. 我決定穿裙子。 

3) change   v.& n.  改變

e.g. Let’s change the seats.


a sudden change in the weather


2. Yesterday evening, I ate ten donuts as usual.

1) usual  adj.  通常的


My usual bedtime is nine o’clock. 我通常九點鐘上床睡覺。 

It’s usual to have a holiday in summer. 夏天休假是慣例。 

2) as usual  像往常一樣


Yesterday morning she came into the classroom as usual.


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You Are What You Eat!PPT,第四部分內容:Work in groups. 

What are some of your favourite foods? How often do you eat these foods? Interview your classmates and fill in the table. Look at the results. Do they have good eating habits?

My favourite foods are apples,soybean milk and fried bread stick.( 油條) I eat them twice or three times a week. Apples and soybean milk are good for us. But to tell you the truth, we can’t eat too many fried bread sticks. We should eat more vegetables. That’s a good habit.   

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You Are What You Eat!PPT,第五部分內容:Exercise

1. –Li Lei, the summer vacation is coming. Where will you go?

-- I decide _______ to Mount Tai.

A. go   B. will go   C. going   D. to go

2. To tell you the ______ , Jack is too busy. He always feels nervous when he speaks before people.

A. true   B. real   C. truth   D. truly

3. Do you know the _______ “Love me, love my dog”?

A. speaking   B. say   C. talking   D.saying

4.Tom walked to school ______ _______ (像往常一樣)。

5. Taking a walk _______ _______ ______ you (對…有好處).

6. Smoking is bad for your ___________ (健康)

7. You must do more exercise to keep h________.

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You Are What You Eat!PPT,第六部分內容:Homework

Review and recite the important points in Lesson 37. 

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