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《What's wrong,Danny?》Stay healthy PPT課件下載

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《What\s wrong,Danny?》Stay healthy PPT課件下載《What\s wrong,Danny?》Stay healthy PPT課件下載《What\s wrong,Danny?》Stay healthy PPT課件下載

《What's wrong,Danny?》Stay healthy PPT課件下載



1. 胃;腹部________→(復數)________

2. 惋惜;懊悔;遺憾________→(過去式)________→(過去分詞)________

3. 發燒;發熱________

4. 蒼白的;淺色的________

5. 檢查;考試__________→(縮略形式)________

6. 疼痛________

7. 原諒________

8. X光;X射線________


1. 后悔做了……________________

2. 發高燒________________ 

3. 穿衣服________________

4. 照X光片________________

5. right now ________________

6. wake up ________________



It’s 3:00 a. m. Danny ________ ________ his parents.


________ ________, Danny?


I don't ________ ________.


I ________ ________ so many donuts now.

... ... ...

What's wrong,Danny?PPT,第二部分內容:課堂互動探究


1regret  v . &n. 惋惜;懊悔;遺憾

[觀察] I regret eating so many donuts now.


I regret to tell you some bad news. 


[探究] regret doing sth.意為“____________________”,

指對________的事情表示遺憾、后悔;regret to do sth.



2 get a high fever 發高燒

[觀察] You've got a high fever, son. 兒子,你發高燒了。

[探究] get a high fever相當于________ a high fever,同義短語為________________。



常用于以下搭配:have a fever 發燒 have a cough 咳嗽

have a cold 感冒   have a stomachache 胃痛 have a headache 頭疼

3 get dressed 穿衣服

[觀察] Danny's father gets dressed quickly.  


Can the little boy dress himself? 那個小男孩能自己穿衣服嗎?

[探究] dress 既可作________詞,也可作________詞。作動詞時,

常用于以下搭配: get dressed, be dressed in, dress sb.。


1 It's 3:00 a. m. Danny wakes up his parents.  


 [探究] wake up在句子中用作實義動詞短語,意為“________________”,其后接________詞作賓語時,賓語放在wake與up之間或up之后均可;其后接________詞作賓語時,必須放在 wake 與up ________,且必須用________格形式。

Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. 


[拓展] wake up還可以用作不及物動詞短語,意為“醒來”。

2 What's wrong, Danny?  丹尼,你怎么了?


What's wrong with…?

What's the trouble with…?

What's the matter with…?

—What's wrong, Brian? 布萊恩,你怎么了?

—I have a fever. 我發燒了。

... ... ...

關鍵詞:冀教版九年級上冊英語PPT課件免費下載,What's wrong,Danny?PPT下載,Stay healthyPPT下載,.PPT格式;

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