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《Don't Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT課件下載

《Don't Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT課件下載 詳細介紹:

《Don\t Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT課件下載《Don\t Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT課件下載《Don\t Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT課件下載《Don\t Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT課件下載

《Don't Smoke,Please!》Stay healthy PPT課件下載



1. 吸煙;煙________

2. 有害的;導致損害的________ →(v.&n.)________

3. 法律;法規 ________ 

4. 危險;風險________

5. 公共的;大眾的________

6. whenever___________________

7. somebody___________

8. disease ________


1. 對……有害處________________

2. 數以百萬計的_______________

3. 談論……________________

4. 養成……習慣_______________

5. 放棄________________

6. as a result of ________________

7. take a risk ________________

8. second­hand smoke ______________

9. stay away from… ________________

10. be against the law _______________


1. 吸煙對你的健康有害。

________ ________ ________ ________ your health.

2. 無論何時有人給你煙,你都應該拒絕。

________ someone ________ _______ ________ ________

you should always say no.

3. 如果你的家人吸煙,鼓勵他們戒煙。

If your family members smoke, _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.

4. 那對他們來說將會很難,但是你應該試著解釋這對他們的健康多么重要。

It will be hard for them, but you ________ ________ ________ how important it is for their health.

5. 你一旦染上吸煙的習慣,就不容易戒掉。

Once you ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

smoking, it's not easy to ________ ________ ________.

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Don't Smoke,Please!PPT,第二部分內容:課堂互動探究


1harmful  adj. (尤指對健康或環境)有害的;導致損害的

[觀察] Why is smoking harmful to people's health?


[探究] harmful 為________詞,常用于短語be harmful to,意為“________________”,相當于be bad for。其名詞形式為harm,意為“___________”,常用于短語do harm to,意為“對……造成傷害”。此外,harm還可以作動詞,意為“傷害”,harm sb. 意為“傷害某人”。

If you smoke, you do harm to yourself.


[拓展] (1)類似的由名詞在后面加上­ful構成的形容詞還有




The plant is harmless to humans.


2somebody  pron. 有人;某人

[觀察] When somebody talks about smoking, change the topic. 


There is somebody at the door. 門口有一個人。

[探究] somebody為不定代詞,常用于________句中,其同義詞


[拓展] 不定代詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。類似用法的

不定代詞有nobody(沒有人), everybody(每個人), anybody(任何人)。

... ... ...


1Whenever someone offers you a cigarette, you should always say no.無論何時有人給你煙,你都應該拒絕。

 [探究] (1)whenever=________________,意為“無論何時”。



Whenever/No matter when you meet difficulties, you can ask the police for help. 無論何時你遇到困難,你都可以向警察求助。

(2)offer sb. sth.=_______________, 意為“給某人提供某物”。

We should offer our seats to the old on the bus.


2If your family members smoke, encourage them to stop smoking. 


 [探究] encourage 為及物動詞,意為“鼓勵”,其常用結構為________________, 意為“鼓勵某人去做某事”。

Kids should be encouraged to speak out their opinions. 


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關鍵詞:冀教版九年級上冊英語PPT課件免費下載,Don't Smoke,Please!PPT下載,Stay healthyPPT下載,.PPT格式;

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