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《China's Most Famous "Farmer"》Great People PPT免費課件

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《China\s Most Famous "Farmer"》Great People PPT免費課件《China\s Most Famous "Farmer"》Great People PPT免費課件

《China's Most Famous "Farmer"》Great People PPT免費課件

第一部分內容:Think About It

1. Who is he?

2. Do you know anything about him?

New words

introduction n. 采用;引進;推行

leader n.  領導者

produce v. 生產

peanut n.  花生

hybrid adj. 雜交的

variety n. 品種

production n. 生產,產量

super adj. 超級的

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China's Most Famous "Farmer"PPT,第二部分內容:Listen and answer

1.When and where did Yuan Longping graduate?

He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural University in 1953.

2. What does he love doing in his spare time?

He loves playing the violin and listening to music.

3. What is he doing now?

He is working on developing super hybrid rice.

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China's Most Famous "Farmer"PPT,第三部分內容:Language notes

1. He came up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the1960s.

come up with 意為“想出,提出”,相當于think of。in the 1960s 意思是“20世紀60年代, 也可寫成in the1960’s,其構成為: in the+年代+s.

2. Since then, he has devoted himself to research and to the development of new varieties.

since then意為“自那以后”,常用于現在完成時。

Since then, he has developed many good habits.從那以后,他養成許多好壞習慣。

3.辨析:because of和because

兩者都有“因為”的意思,because of后跟名詞、名詞短語或代詞;而because后跟從句。

例如:He didn’t go to work because of his illness.他因病沒有去上班。

All of us can work out the question, because it’s too easy.因為這道題太容易了,所以我們都能算出來。

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China's Most Famous "Farmer"PPT,第四部分內容:達標測評


1. Who is the ______ (領導) of the art club?

2. After a(n) i__________ of the book, we have known something about it.

3. China now p________ enough rice to feed her people every year.

4. There are many new _______ (variety) of MP3s in the shop. 

關鍵詞:冀教版九年級上冊英語PPT課件免費下載,China's Most Famous "Farmer"PPT下載,Great PeoplePPT下載,.PPT格式;

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