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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 冀教版九年級英語下冊 > 《Jenny's Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT

《Jenny's Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT

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《Jenny\s Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT《Jenny\s Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT《Jenny\s Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT

《Jenny's Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT

第一部分內容:Learning aims

1. Know the meaning of the text;

2. Master the phrases and key points in class;

3. You can give your friends some advice on diagreement.

Think about it

What do you do when your friends misunderstand you?

When you get into a fight with a friend, which of you usually says sorry first?

... ... ...

Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第二部分內容:課堂問答

1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. Is Danny free on Saturday afternoon?

2. Who else does Jenny invite?

3. Why does Jenny invite them?

2. Read the text and fill in the blanks 

Danny and Steven didn’t talk to each other for a few days. That Saturday, they both went to Jenny’s house, but they all ____________ at first.

Jenny encouraged them to talk about the problem. Steven complained that Danny shouldn’t change the time they __________. Danny explained the situation. He felt sorry that Steven missed the game. Steven said sorry to Danny because his basketball hit Danny on the head.

But he didn’t ________ do it. It was an accident. The two boys became friends again. ________, friends are more important than a game.

... ... ...

Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第三部分內容:Phrases

1.同意做  agree to do

2.同意某事  agree on sth.

3.沉默  in silence

4.保持沉默  keep silent

5.打算做  mean to do

6.畢竟  after all


1. 我很高興,你答應來我家。

I’m glad you agreed to come to my house.

討論:agree to do   同意做某事

agree on sth.  同意某事

agree with sb.  同意某人

agree with,   agree to ,    agree on

(1) I usually __________ you , but this time I disagree.

(2) Did you all ___________ this plan?

(3) We all __________help her, but we don't know what to do. 

2. 你們倆誰想吃餅干?

Would either of you like a cookie? 


They won’t look at each other, and neither of them wants to talk. 

either的意思是“(兩者之中)任何一個;各方,每一方”;neither 的意思是“(兩者中)無一個”。

掌握搭配: either...or....   或者....或者.....  ; neither... nor...  既不....也不....。


e.g. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。

_______ you _____ I ______ going there tomorrow.


_______  I _____ he  ______ right.

... ... ...

Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第四部分內容:當堂演練

1. We should respect the __________(老人們)。

2. Students _____________(保持安靜)in

the library.

3. I don't _________    (同意)him, because I don't think he is right.

4.It's ________ too hot ______ too cold in      KunMing. (既不...也不....)

each other , mean to, in silence, agree on ,  after all

5. You shouldn't get angry with her.  __________, she is too young.

6. Steve and Danny had a big fight and they didn't talk to ___________.

7. We couldn't ___________ what to buy for father's birthday.

8. They finished their meal ___________.

9.  I'm sorry I hurt you , but I didn't ________do that.

... ... ...

Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第五部分內容:Discussion

Work in groups of three. Give them some advice to stop fighting.

Dispute: Ben and Tim planned to go to the movie theatre together this Saturday. Tim arrived at the theatre on time, but Ben didn’t show up the whole evening.

Ben thought their plan was for Sunday. Now, Tim is upset and he hasn’t spoken to Ben for a week.

Your advice:

1.Being a friend, you must understand your friend and stay calm.

2.You should think of your own mistakes first. 

... ... ...

Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第六部分內容:Homework

Write a card or draw a picture to a friend . 

Write a note or a poem that tells the person you are sorry and that sends a message of love, peace and friendship.

關鍵詞:冀教版九年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,Jenny's Good AdvicePPT下載,Work for PeacePPT下載,.PPT格式;

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