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《Jenny's Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT教學課件

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《Jenny\s Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT教學課件《Jenny\s Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT教學課件《Jenny\s Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT教學課件《Jenny\s Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT教學課件

《Jenny's Good Advice》Work for Peace PPT教學課件




Look at the picture. What are they doing? 

What do you do after you fight with your friend?

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Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第二部分內容:課文呈現


·What do you do when your friends misunderstand you?

·When you get into a fight with a friend,which of you usually says sorry first?

Danny and Steven haven't talked to each other for a few days.Will they ever be friends again?

Jenny:I'm glad you agreed to come to my house.Would either❶ of you like a cookie?

Steven:Yes,please!You make great cookies,Jenny.

Danny:I agree.

Jenny:Thank you. I'm glad you can agree on something.

... ... ...

Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第三部分內容:知識講解



eg:—Do you want tea or coffee? 


—Either is OK.哪一種都行。

either作代詞,常用于either of結構中,作主語時,謂語動詞常用單三形式。

eg:Either of the answers is right.


You can take ________ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother.(安徽)

A.both     B.none 

C.either   D.neither



eg:There are many trees on either side of the street. 



eg:If you don't go,I won't go,either.



eg: Either you or he is right.或者你對,或者他對。


silent/'saɪlənt/ adj.沉默的;寂靜的

有關silent 的短語 be silent about / on...對……未談及; fall silent沉默下來; keep silent 保持沉默

eg:He is silent about his personal problem.



in silence 安靜地,無聲地;keep silence 保持沉默; break silence 打破沉默

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Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第四部分內容:Let's Do It !

1) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1.Is Danny free on Saturday afternoon?

Yes, he is.

2.Who else does Jenny invite?


3.Why does Jenny invite them?

Because she wants to help them solve the problems./Because she wants to help them make up.

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.

mean to agree on  keep silent after all

Danny and Steven didn't talk to each other for a few days. That Saturday,they both went to Jenny's house,but they all _________ 

at first. Jenny encouraged them to talk about the problem. Steven complained that Danny shouldn't change the time they_________.

Danny explained the situation. He felt sorry that Steven missed the game. Steven said sorry to Danny because his basketball hit Danny on the head. But he didn't ________ do it. It was an accident. 

The two boys became friends again.________,friends are more important than a game.

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Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第五部分內容:課堂練習


1.The loud sound broke the ________ (silent) of the night.

2.I have finished my homework,Mom. May I stop ________ (have) a rest?

【點撥】本題用正確把握語境法。由句意“我已經完成作業了,媽媽。我可以停下來休息一下嗎?”可知,此處應用to have。

3.Either Tom or she ________ (be) going to the party next week.     

One of them must stay at home.

4.I tried ________ (get) in touch with him, but I failed.

5.Missing this train means ________(wait) for another hour.


6.There are two roads,and either ________ to the station.

A.is leading      B.are leading

C.lead              D.leads


7.—Do you have any difficulty in ________ English?

—Yes, but I try ________ myself understood.

A.to speak; make        B.speaking; make

C.to speak; to make    D.speaking; to make

【點撥】句意:——你在講英語方面有困難嗎?——是的。但是我盡力讓自己被理解。have difficulty in doing sth.在做某事方面有困難;try to do盡力做某事;try doing試著做某事。根據句意可知選D。

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Jenny's Good AdvicePPT,第六部分內容:課堂小結


(1)重點單詞:either, else, silent

(2)重點短語:stop  doing,try to do



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