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《Life Choices》Section ⅤPPT

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《Life Choices》Section ⅤPPT



(  )1.junior A.n.幻燈片

(  )2.formal  B.adv.向前;進展

(  )3.adapt   C.n.某一時刻

(  )4.moment  D.n.報告;陳述,說明

(  )5.presentation  E.adj.正式的,官方的

(  )6.slide   F.adj.低年級的

(  )7.forward    G.vi.(使)適應


A.使隔絕 B.幸虧;由于 C.提出 D.此刻,目前,眼下 E.結果 F.適應某事

(  )1.I must say I am really enjoying myself at the moment.

(  )2.They were almost completely cut off from the outside world.

(  )3.How can a leader adapt to a changing environment?

(  )4.As a result,costs will be reduced by as much as 90%.

(  )5.He could not come up with a proper answer.

(  )6.Thanks to his effort,it is more successful than we have expected.

... ... ...

Life ChoicesPPT,第二部分內容:教材語篇細研

第一步 速讀——了解文章主題和段落大意


1.Para.1  A.The life of Wang Ying in Senior Secondary school.

2.Para.2  B.Give reasons for finishing the letter.

3.Para.3  C.Greetings.

第二步 細讀——把控文章關鍵信息


1.Why is life in Senior Secondary school different from junior school?

A.Because we don't have a fixed classroom.

B.Because we have different subjects.

C.Because we have a huge gym.

D.Because we have different clubs.

2.I'm in the same class with Zijun for_______.

A.Chinese and maths

B.Chinese and physics

C.English and physics

D.English and maths

3.What does the writer intend to do?

A.To join the Dancer Club.

B.To have a fixed classroom.

C.To attend a competition.

D.To finish her slides.

第三步 研讀——能力升華 接軌高考


I hope you have made 1._______(adapt) to the new life.I love my new school because my junior school is 2. _______(small) than my new school.It's good to have an old friend 3._______ name is Xie Zijun in 4.___ same school.Life in our new school 5. _______(differ) from the junior school.We go to different classes for different subjects and for different levels because we don't have a 6._______(fix) classroom.I go to the same class 7._______Zijun for English and physics but not for Chinese and maths.We join different 8. _______(club) and I joined in the Dancer Club.We meet twice a week and all want to attend a 9.___________(compete).I must go because I need to finish slides.I'm looking forward 10._______hearing all about you.

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