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《Celebrations》PPT下載(第6課時) 詳細介紹:



Get Ready for Writing

You are going to write about a celebration event that you have had before. Think it over:

What celebration do you want to write about and why?

What details do you want to include?

Read for Writing

Read the description. Answer the questions.

1. Whose birthday was it?

2. What did the family do to prepare for it?

3. What gift did the writer make?

4. How did Grandpa feel and what did he say?

Underline the key events or actions.

The whole family had been preparing for it for quite some time. 

For weeks I had been working on this, listening to Grandpa’s stories, selecting his favourite music and collecting photos from the family album. 

Writing Help

It’s important to:

mention the reason why you want to describe the event;

write the place, time, occasion and people of the event;

use action verbs and linking words to put them in the right order;

describe your feelings at the end of the event.

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