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《Earth first》單元重點小結PPT

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《Earth first》單元重點小結PPT《Earth first》單元重點小結PPT

《Earth first》單元重點小結PPT


1.scared adj.驚恐的,恐懼的 (be) scared to death嚇死了 be scared of害怕 scare vi. 恐嚇 vt.使驚嚇 scare sb away把某人嚇跑

2.due to由于,因為

3.extinction n.滅絕,絕種

4.attitude n.態度,看法

5.devote v.致力,獻身,傾注 devote oneself to獻身于……;致力于……;專心于…… devote...to...把……用于……;把……獻給…… devoted adj.忠實的;深愛的 be devoted to深愛;致力于;專心于 devotion n.關愛;獻身;奉獻;忠誠

6.establish v.建立

7.damage v.破損,損害,損傷 cause damage造成損害 do great damage to對……造成巨大的損害 the damage to對……的損害

8.affect v.影響 be affected by heat/cold中暑/著涼 be affected with high fever發高燒 be greatly/deeply affected by被……深深打動 affection n.喜愛 affective adj.情感的;表達感情的

9.supply n.供應 supply sb with sth給某人提供某物 supply sth to sb給某人提供某物 be well/poorly supplied with供應充足/缺乏 in short supply供不應求

10.reduce v.減少,降低 reduce...by...把……減少了…… reduce...to...把……減少到……;把……變為某種狀態 be reduced to陷入某種境地(to為介詞)

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Earth first PPT,第二部分內容:重點句型

1.This was not only due to fear of sharks,but also finning.Finning is a type of fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut off.

2.The less energy you use,the less carbon dioxide is released.

3.However,making a paper bag uses four times as much energy as making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water.

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Earth first PPT,第三部分內容:重點語法


The next thing he saw was smoke rising from behind the house.

When I opened the door,I found the ground covered with snow.

He kept the horse running for two hours.

Please keep me informed of where he will go.

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