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《On the move》Part Ⅳ PPT

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《On the move》Part Ⅳ PPT《On the move》Part Ⅳ PPT

《On the move》Part Ⅳ PPT


在聽力理解測試中,考生需要根據對話內容和情景來確定對話中人物的職業、身份或彼此之間的關系。身份型常見的提問方式為: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?選項常常包含以下幾種—husband and wife,father and daughter,doctor and patient,boss and secretary,strangers,classmates,workmates等等。職業型常見的提問方式有: 

(1)What does the man do?

(2)What’s the woman’s profession?

(3)What’s the man’s job?

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On the move PPT,第二部分內容:聽力達人談技法

對于此類題目,考生要注意聽對話發生的地點和談話的內容,如聽到homework,class,exercises,可判斷雙方關系可能是老師與學生。另一種方法是注意對話中的稱呼和說話口氣等細節。mummy,dad——父母與子女;dear,darling——夫妻??跉廨^硬的祈使句,比如:Ask him to come to my office when he is back——老板與雇員??疾榈幂^多的是 teacher,doctor,waiter,waitress,nurse,hotel clerk,etc.考生要注意捕捉那些帶有職業特點的詞。如 patient,operation,medicine等。


1.Who is the woman?

A.John’s mother. B.John’s teacher. C.John’s friend.


M:Miss Helen,John brought a note home saying you wanted to see me.

W:Yes,I’m worried about his schoolwork these days.

【解題思路】 此題考查的是判斷人物身份題。根據對話內容我們可以知道女方所說的 I’m worried about his schoolwork these days.中的schoolwork以及男方所說的John brought a note home saying you wanted to see me.可以推斷出女方是John的老師。答案選B。

2.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Customer and saleswoman.


M:I need 20 copies of this report before 2 o’clock.

W:Certainly,sir.I’ll give them to you soon.

【解題思路】 此題考查的是判斷人物職業題。根據對話內容男方說:兩點前需要二十份報告。女方說:可以,先生。我很快就把它們(20份報告)送過去。由此可以推斷出他們之間可能是老板和秘書之間的關系。答案選A。

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