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《On the road》Period Four PPT

《On the road》Period Four PPT 詳細介紹:

《On the road》Period Four PPT《On the road》Period Four PPT《On the road》Period Four PPT

《On the road》Period Four PPT




1.In less than 18 months,there were over 200,000 people reading my blog!

2.It was a challenging job,but I did it.

3.Now I spend three weeks out of every month travelling and have over 464,000 fans following me online.

4.I love the bright light and amazing colours:red rocks,green plants,blue-green waters and blue skies.

5.I love to photograph the rising sun,so I force myself into the natural world by waking early each day.

6.Over time,this could make her a danger to people living in the area.




1.He is an attacking player.他是一個攻擊型的運動員。

2.He asked an embarrassing question.他提了一個令人難堪的問題。

3.A little child learning to walk often falls.學走路的小孩常常跌跤。

4.Do you know the number of people coming to the party?



1.A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday.

→A young man who writes novels came to speak to us yesterday.


2.The girl sitting next to me was my cousin.

→The girl who was sitting next to me was my cousin.




They set up an operating table in a small temple.


He may be in the reading room,for all I know.


Ladies and gentlemen,please go and wait in the meeting room.


... ... ...

On the road PPT,第二部分內容:達標檢測


1.Today there are more airplanes _________ (carry) more people than ever before in the skies.

2.Last night,there were millions of people _________ (watch) the opening ceremony live on TV.

3.The question _________ (discuss) at present has something important to do with our daily life.

4.Anybody _________ (swim) in the river will be fined.

5.They are living in a room _________(face) the street.

6.His brother,_________ (work) as a teacher,is now living in Beijing.


7.Several students are reading books in __________________ (候車室).

8.The stadium _________ (在修建中的) at present in the city is intended for the coming Asian Games.

9.I want to make friends with the students __________________  (正在打籃球的).

10.The woman__________________(坐在椅子上的) is my teacher.

11.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket__________________(覆蓋著沙漠).

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