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《On the road》PartⅣ PPT

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《On the road》PartⅣ PPT《On the road》PartⅣ PPT

《On the road》PartⅣ PPT




涉及英語國家日常生活的許多方面:購物、就餐、打電話、問路、看病、 邀請、詢問時間、談論天氣、假日活動、買票等,其內容包含新聞報道、社會生活、教育文化、風土人情、歷史地理、科普知識、人物故事等。有利于全面有效的檢測考生在不同實際生活環境對所學語言的感悟和接受能力。




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On the road PPT,第二部分內容:聽力達人談技法



(1)Where is the woman going?

(2)How does the man pay for the tickets?

(3)What’s wrong with the girl?

(4)When does the woman plan to arrive?

(5)How many hours does Tom sleep a day?

(6)Why does the man thank the woman?

(7)Which of the following is true?


W:Excuse me,could you tell me when the next train to Manchester leaves?

M:Sure.Well,it’s three now.The next train to Manchester leaves in two hours,but you can take train to Leeds which leaves in fifteen minutes,and then get off at Manchester.It stops at Manchester on the way.


At what time does train to Leeds leave?

A.3:00.   B.3:15.   C.5:00.

【解題思路】 本題考查考生對話語所揭示信息的分辨能力。在男士的答語中給了三個時間,現在是三點,下一趟去Manchester的時間為再過2個小時,去 Leeds 的火車是15 分鐘之后,只有第一個和第三個時間才與所問問題有關。答案選B。

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