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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 魯科版三年級英語上冊 > 《It's red and yellow》Colours PPT課件

《It's red and yellow》Colours PPT課件

《It's red and yellow》Colours PPT課件 詳細介紹:

《It\s red and yellow》Colours PPT課件《It\s red and yellow》Colours PPT課件《It\s red and yellow》Colours PPT課件《It\s red and yellow》Colours PPT課件《It\s red and yellow》Colours PPT課件

《It's red and yellow》Colours PPT課件,共22頁。

Look! Jenny and Li Ming are talking about colours of national flags. 

(Jenny 和 Li Ming正在討論國旗的顏色。)

Read in roles (分角色朗讀)

What colour is it?

It’s ___ and _____.

... ... ...


Listen and repeat the text.

Find the colours in your life and talk with your friend.

Other choices:Draw and make a story 

關鍵詞:魯科版英語三年級上冊PPT課件免費下載,It's red and yellow PPT下載,Colours PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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