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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 魯科版五年級英語上冊 > 《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT

《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT

《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT 詳細介紹:

《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT

《There is an old building in my school》School in Canada PPT,共18頁。

What subjects does Lucy have?

She has science, maths, art, reading  and French.

What does she do after school?

She often draws pictures.

Sometimes she plays the piano.

Sometimes she watches films .

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There be--- 的構成

There be  + 某物 / 某人 + 某地 


There be+ sb+sw 

1: There is a girl and two boys in the picture.

2: There are two boys and a girl in the picture.


be動詞單復數形式要跟there be之后的第一個主語保持一致,如果第一個主語是單數或不可數名詞用is,如果第一個主語是復數用are。

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關鍵詞:魯科版英語五年級上冊PPT課件免費下載,There is an old building in my school PPT下載,School in Canada PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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