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《Festivals And Celebrations》Section Ⅵ PPT課件

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《Festivals And Celebrations》Section Ⅵ PPT課件《Festivals And Celebrations》Section Ⅵ PPT課件

人教版高中英語必修三《Festivals And Celebrations》Section Ⅵ PPT課件,共24頁。

《Festivals And Celebrations》Section Ⅵ PPT課件包含課時基礎過關、課時要點突破等內容。


1.Each of the U.S.states has an  ____________(自治的) government.

2.The warm  ____________(地區) is crowded with birds.

3.Local businesses are well  ____________(代表) on the committee.

4.He taught his little brother how to  ____________(摔跤).

5.The dress is too  ____________ (花哨的) for me.


1.He proposed to  ________________(動身) immediately.

2.We worked hard,but it  ________________(值得).

3.People would gather  ________________(從四面八方).

4.Our values and behaviour patterns  ________________(不同于) yours.

5.________________(起初),he was against our arrangement,but I managed to argue him round.


1.After singing some songs,the competitors danced onto the green field,waving their arms in the air as if they were eagles.


[仿寫] 盡管他們第一次見面,他們交談起來就像老同學一樣。

Even though they met for the first time,they talked ___________________________.

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