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《Space Exploration》SectionⅧ PPT課件

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《Space Exploration》SectionⅧ PPT課件《Space Exploration》SectionⅧ PPT課件

人教版高中英語必修三《Space Exploration》SectionⅧ PPT課件,共7頁。

《Space Exploration》SectionⅧ PPT課件包含單詞拼寫、單句語法填空等內容。

1.People could hear on radio and television the talk between the  ____________ (宇航員) and the flight controllers.

2.Proper physical and  ____________ (精神的) exercise can increase your chances for health and wealth.

3.The  ____________ (衛星) enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.

4.All glass bottles which can’t be refilled can be  ____________ (回收利用).

5.Time is your most valuable  ____________ (資源),especially in examinations.

6.A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will  ____________ (漂浮).

7.Going away to college has made me much more  ____________ (獨立自主的).

8.The details of today’s flights are displayed on the  ____________ (顯示屏).

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