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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版六年級英語上冊 > 《There are four seasons in a year》PPT精品課件

《There are four seasons in a year》PPT精品課件

《There are four seasons in a year》PPT精品課件 詳細介紹:

《There are four seasons in a year》PPT精品課件《There are four seasons in a year》PPT精品課件

精通版六年級英語上冊《There are four seasons in a year》PPT精品課件,共30頁。

Fun story

It is January 1st. Spring is coming. There is still snow on the windows. Mimi gives Micky a nice book as a New Year’s gift.

It is March 1st. It is spring. Micky is climbing a tree. He is having fun. 

You aren’t reading the book. When do you want to read it? 

I will read it tomorrow. 

It is June. It is already summer. The peach tree has a lot of fruit. Micky is picking peaches. He isn’t reading the book. 

What is the book about? 

It’s about you.

What is the book about? What is Micky thinking of? Tell your friend. 

Language focus

Spring is the first season.

Summer is the second season.

Autumn is the third season.

Winter is the fourth season.

Fun Facts

Reading for knowledge

Do you know what children do at Easter?

Easter is a festival in Western countries. Children often play a game called the Easter egg-hunt. It is an old English game. The children take little baskets to a field. They look for Easter eggs in the grass. 

Play roles

What do you do in spring?

I play in the park and fly kites.

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