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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 牛津譯林版英語七年級上冊 > 《Shopping》Task PPT習題課件

《Shopping》Task PPT習題課件

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《Shopping》Task PPT習題課件《Shopping》Task PPT習題課件

牛津譯林版七年級英語上冊《Shopping》Task PPT習題課件,共9頁。



1. 餐館 / 'restrɒnt/________

2. 筆記;便條 /nəʊt/ ________


1.  five floors of shops ____________

2.watch films ____________  

3. 在頂樓 ___________

4. 玩得愉快  ____________

5. 許多服裝店_______________

6. 靠近一個公共汽車站___________


1.We can get ________ ________ ________ clothes here.


2.There are foods ________ ________ ________. 有來自不同地區的食物。

3.The mall is a good place ________ ________  ________ and ________ ________. 




The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.這家購物中心是一個會見朋友和開心玩的好地方。

[探究] “to meet friends and have fun”是動詞不定式短語,作“a good place”的后置定語。

She has a child to take care of.她有一個孩子要照顧。

I have a lot of work to finish today.


She is always the first to answer questions.



The park is a good place ________ (chat) with friends.

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