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《The Value of Money》Viewing and Talking PPT課件

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《The Value of Money》Viewing and Talking PPT課件《The Value of Money》Viewing and Talking PPT課件

人教版高中英語必修三《The Value of Money》Viewing and Talking PPT課件,共18頁。


1.manner  n. 舉止;方法; 禮儀;禮貌


in a rude manner  用一種粗魯的方式


attitude: 普通用詞,指對人或事情的看法和采取的行為,多有某種不很明確或不便明說的感情色彩。

air: 含義廣泛。單數形式指某人臉上表現出的心理活動,或言談舉止;復數形式指某人故意做作而擺出的架子。

manner: 多指某人在某一場合的言談舉止等。

2. eventually  adv. 最后;終于


at last, at length, eventually, finally, in the end, lastly 均含有"最后,終于"之意。

at last: 多指經主觀努力,克服各種困難后才終于達到目的。

at length: 強調經歷一段長時間后終于完成,側重在時間部分。

eventually: 側重于動作或行為的結果。

fanally: 常與at last換用,都可用于對往事的描述,但finally不帶感情色彩,指一系列事情的最后結局。

in the end:與at last同義,但in the end不僅可指"過去"還可表示對"未來"的預計。

lastly: 指連續順序的最后,通常用在列舉事情的場合。

Lead in

Look and discuss

You are going to watch part of the film The Million Pound Bank Note. Look at these photos and guess what happens in the film.


Watch the film dip and check if you are correct. Then discuss the questions.

Why does the owner of the restaurant want Henry to sit somewhere else?

What does Henry order? Why is the waiter surprised?

Why does the owner think Henry hesitates to pay the bill?

Why does the owner think the bank note is probably real?

What happens in the end?

... ... ...

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