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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 上海教育版五年級英語下冊 > 《Seeing the doctor》PPT教學課件

《Seeing the doctor》PPT教學課件

《Seeing the doctor》PPT教學課件 詳細介紹:

《Seeing the doctor》PPT教學課件《Seeing the doctor》PPT教學課件

上海教育版五年級英語下冊《Seeing the doctor》PPT教學課件,共13頁。


What‘s wrong with you?

Doctor:  What‘s wrong with you?

Kitty:  I have a headache.

Mrs Li:She has a fever too.

Doctor:Let me have a look. Open your mouth and say "Ah…”

Kitty: Ah...

Doctor: You have a cold.You should take some medicine. You should also drink a lot of water. You shouldn't go to bed late. Have a good rest and you'll get well soon.

Kitty: Thank you, doctor. Doctor: You're welcome.

listen and enjoy

Doctor, doctor,I have a toothache.

You shouldn't eat so many cakes.

Doctor, doctor, I have a fever.

You should drink a lot of water.

Doctor, doctor, I have a cold.

You should wear warm clothes.

Doctor, doctor, I have a cough.

You should take some medicine.


1.Do the homework of page 59 and 61.

2.Copy the key words we have learned.

3.Read the passage of page 60.

... ... ...

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