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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 仁愛版英語八年級下冊 > 《We will have a class fashion show》SectionC PPT課件

《We will have a class fashion show》SectionC PPT課件

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《We will have a class fashion show》SectionC PPT課件《We will have a class fashion show》SectionC PPT課件

仁愛版八年級英語下冊《We will have a class fashion show》SectionC PPT課件,共12頁。


Memorize the new words and phrases in section C.

Understand the meaning of the 1a of Section C.


Read the words and expressions loudly.

style[staɪl] n.樣式;款式;方式;作風

contrast['kɒntrɑːst] adj.明顯的,差異,對比,對照

fancy['fænsi] adj.絢麗的,花哨的

design[dɪ'zaɪn] n.設計;設計方案,構思 v.設計,構思;計劃

broad[brɔːd] adj.寬闊的額,廣闊的,廣泛的

waist[weɪst] n.腰,腰部

cold-colored adj.冷色調的

slim[slɪm] adj.苗條的,纖細的;單薄的

business[ˈbɪznəs] n.生意;公事;職責


1.I hope you will succeed. 譯:我希望你能成功   . Succeed 為動詞。

點撥:(同義句轉換)I hope you will be successful. 

 I have a few suggestions for success.

譯: 我有一些關于成功的建議 . Success 為名詞。

Make it a success. 譯: 讓它成功。.Success 為名詞。

2.Helping people choose clothes is important. 

譯: 幫助人們選 擇衣服很重要。

點撥:(同義句轉換)It is important to help people choose clothes.

... ... ...

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