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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版六年級英語上冊 >
  • 《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件3

    《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件3

    《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件3 Can you tell me about Thanksgiving? What do you do on Thanksgiving? We always have a big special dinner. We say thank you for our foodfamily and friends. We have a lot of fun. Can you tell me a...

  • 《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件2

    《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件2

    《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件2 感恩節(英語:Thanksgiving Day)是美國和加拿大共有的節日,由美國人民獨創,原意是為了感謝上天賜予的好收成。像中國的春節一樣,在這一天,成千上萬的人們不管多忙,都要和自己的家人團聚。 烤火雞(roast...

  • 《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件

    《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件

    《Can you tell me about Christmas》PPT課件 Can you tell me about Thanksgiving? What do you do on Thanksgiving? We always have a big special dinner. We say thank you for our foodfamily and friends. We have a lot of fun. Can you tell me ab...

  • 《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件3

    《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件3

    《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件3 What can you find? ear pear hear bear nearly幾乎,接近,差不多 // bear 熊 pear 梨 i ear nearly hear here family family families baby baby babies 結尾字母y前面是輔音字母時,要去y再加i...

  • 《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件2

    《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件2

    《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件2 繞口令 Simple Simon met a farmer When going to the fair Simple Simon said to the farmer let me taste a pear The farmer said to Simple Simon Show me first your money Simple Simon said to...

  • 《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件

    《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件

    《Thanksgiving is very important in the US》PPT課件 Which festival do you know? the Spring Festival Easter (34月) (12月)lunar 1.1 春分月圓后第一個周日 the Dragon Boat Halloween Festival 陰歷5.5 10.31 the Mid-Autumn Thanksgiving Festiva...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件5

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件5

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件5 1.Read the dialogue and find stamp/stamps. 2.Listen to the radio and find out the answers to the following questions. (1)Does Simon collect stamps? (2)What is Simons hobby? (3)Has Simon got any sta...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件4

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件4

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件4 Let's chant Postcard postcard; There is there are; Whats this on the postcard; Its a Great Wall in China; Its a very very long wall; Its a very very strong wall; Its a very famous wall; I like t...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件3

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件3

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件3 Reading reading I like reading. Dancing dancing I like dancing Flying kites flying kitesI like flying kites. Listen and answer: 1 Whats Simons hobby? 2 Has simon got stamps from China? 3 Has...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件2

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件2

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件2 What s your hobby? Singing is my hobby. My hobby is singing . My hobby is dancing . My hobby is swimming . This is a stamp. This stamp is from China. These are stamps These stamps are from China. C...

  • 《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件

    《Collecting stamps is my hobby》PPT課件 Let's review. What are you doing? I'm putting my new stamps into my stamp book. Have you got any stamps from China? No I haven't. Who are they? They are Daming and alien. It's a picture of the sun....

  • 《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件3

    《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件3

    《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件3 Lets Review Canada 加拿大 Canadian 加拿大的 America/ the US 美 國 American 美國的 Listen and think.(P16-3) What is the girl doing? ... ... ... Memory game(Group work P16-4) Have you got a/any?...

  • 《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件2

    《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件2

    《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件2 What is this dialogue about? Daming and Simon are talking about their hobby . 1) Simon likes collecting stamps. 2) Collecting stamps is Damings hobby. 3) Simon has got stamps from China. 4) Si...

  • 《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件

    《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件

    《Have you got any stamps from China》PPT課件 Memory game Have you got? Yes I have. No I havent. The dog has got some food from China. Has Simon got any food from China ? No. He hasnt. What has he got ? ... ... ... Read and answer 1.What...

  • 《I went to a library yesterday》PPT課件2

    《I went to a library yesterday》PPT課件2

    《I went to a library yesterday》PPT課件2 Hi! Im Ruby. Im from America. Now I live in England. I have a computer. And I write emails to my friends in America. Hello! Im Xiaoqiang. I live in China. Im going to go to America. Im going to rea...

  • 《I went to a library yesterday》PPT課件

    《I went to a library yesterday》PPT課件

    《I went to a library yesterday》PPT課件 Let's review. Where did Daming go yesterday? He went to Chinatown in New York . What did Daming see in the street? He saw a lion dance in the street. Let's underline the key words. P11(2) What did t...

  • 《I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday》PPT課件2

    《I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday》PPT課件2

    《I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday》PPT課件2 There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 那里有許多中式商店和餐館. There were Chinese people everywhere. 到處都是中國人. There be 句型 There be句型表示某處存在某...

  • 《I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday》PPT課件

    《I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday》PPT課件

    《I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday》PPT課件 What are they talking about? Many years ago some Chinese people went to America. Some went looking for gold. Some stayed(留在)in New York. They worked very hard. And they built Chinat...

  • 《It

    《It's more than four hundred metres high》PPT課件2

    《It's more than four hundred metres high》PPT課件2 Chant Tell me about the Great Wall. How long is the Great Wall? Its more than forty thousand li long. How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old. What did you learn i...

  • 《It

    《It's more than four hundred metres high》PPT課件

    《It's more than four hundred metres high》PPT課件 Sing the song:The Great Wall of China How tall is the tree? Its thirty meters tall. How old is it ? Its eight hundred years old. the Empire State Building 帝國大廈(英語:Empire State Buil...

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