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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版六年級英語上冊 >
  • 《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件3

    《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件3

    《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件3 本節課學習目標 學會用How long/old/high/tall/wide is?對物體的長度、年代、高度等特征進行問答。 能認識長度單位Li及其與meter、kilometer等長度單位的換算。 能描述中國的famous landmark(著名景觀)the Great W...

  • 《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件2

    《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件2

    《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件2 Task 1: Listen and answer the questions: 1.How long is the Great Wall? Its more than forty thousand li long./Thats more than twenty thousand kilometres. 2. How old is the Great Wall? Its more than t...

  • 《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件

    《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件

    《How long is the Great Wall?》PPT課件 大聲讀出出現的數字 ten seventy twenty eighty thirty ninety forty one hundred fifty two hundred sixty three hundred one thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand six thousand sev...

  • 【目錄】外研版六年級英語上冊PPT課件



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