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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版六年級英語上冊 >
  • 《I go to school at 8:00》PPT教學課件

    《I go to school at 8:00》PPT教學課件

    精通版六年級英語上冊《I go to school at 8:00》PPT教學課件,共22頁。 Alice gets up at seven o'clock every morning. Alice goes to school at half past seven. Alice has lunch at school every day. Alice often plays the piano after school. On Sa...

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》MP3音頻課件

    《There are four seasons in a year》MP3音頻課件

    本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit6《There are four seasons in a year》的教學素材MP3音頻課件,課件貼合課文內容,可與本課PPT課件匹配,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《There are four seasons in a year》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件下...

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件4

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件4

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件4 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit6《There are four seasons in a year》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《There are four seasons in a year》教學課件,人教精通...

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件3

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件3

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件3 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit6《There are four seasons in a year》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《There are four seasons in a year》教學課件,人教精通...

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件2

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件2

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件2 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit6《There are four seasons in a year》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《There are four seasons in a year》教學課件,人教精通...

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件

    《There are four seasons in a year》Flash動畫課件 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit6《There are four seasons in a year》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《There are four seasons in a year》教學課件,人教精通版...

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件3

    《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件3

    《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件3 Think and say When does summer begin? Hows the weather in summer? What do students do on summer holidays? Look and match go to a summer camp go on a trip have summer holidays ... ... ... Just re...

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件2

    《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件2

    《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件2 Lets review When does spring begin? Hows the weather in spring? Whats spring like? What do people do in spring? Look and say Hows the weather? It is very hot. Its rainy. It is heavy rain. ... .....

  • 《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件

    《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件

    《There are four seasons in a year》PPT課件 Lead-in There are four seasons in a year. Spring is the first season. Read and judge A. In China springtime begins around March. B. In China springtime begins around April. A. Its very cold in...

  • 《July is the seventh month》MP3音頻課件

    《July is the seventh month》MP3音頻課件

    本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit5《July is the seventh month》的教學素材MP3音頻課件,課件貼合課文內容,可與本課PPT課件匹配,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《July is the seventh month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件下載,六年級英語...

  • 《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件3

    《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件3

    《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件3 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit5《July is the seventh month》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《July is the seventh month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語Flash...

  • 《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件2

    《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件2

    《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件2 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit5《July is the seventh month》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《July is the seventh month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語Flash...

  • 《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件

    《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件

    《July is the seventh month》Flash動畫課件 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit5《July is the seventh month》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《July is the seventh month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語Flash動...

  • 《July is the seventh month》PPT課件3

    《July is the seventh month》PPT課件3

    《July is the seventh month》PPT課件3 Look and say What is the eleventh month of the year? November Lets learn What festival is in November? Thanksgiving Day What month goes after November? December December is the ___ month of the year. ....

  • 《July is the seventh month》PPT課件2

    《July is the seventh month》PPT課件2

    《July is the seventh month》PPT課件2 Lets review Communist Party of China Peoples Liberation Army Party Day Army Day Lets learn September September is the ____ month of the year. What festival is in September? Teachers Day What month goes...

  • 《July is the seventh month》PPT課件

    《July is the seventh month》PPT課件

    《July is the seventh month》PPT課件 Look and say What month goes after June? July July is the _______ month of the year. Communist Party of China August August is the _____ month of the year. ... ... ... Listen and say When was Communist...

  • 《January is the first month》MP3音頻課件

    《January is the first month》MP3音頻課件

    本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit4《January is the first month》的教學素材MP3音頻課件,課件貼合課文內容,可與本課PPT課件匹配,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《January is the first month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件下載,六年級英...

  • 《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件4

    《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件4

    《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件4 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit4《January is the first month》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《January is the first month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語Fla...

  • 《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件3

    《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件3

    《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件3 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit4《January is the first month》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《January is the first month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語Fla...

  • 《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件2

    《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件2

    《January is the first month》Flash動畫課件2 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級上冊英語unit4《January is the first month》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《January is the first month》教學課件,人教精通版六年級上冊英語Fla...

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