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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版六年級英語下冊 >
  • 《There is a park near my home》Flash動畫課件

    《There is a park near my home》Flash動畫課件

    《There is a park near my home》Flash動畫課件 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit2《There is a park near my home》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《There is a park near my home》教學課件,人教精通版六年級下冊英...

  • 《There is a park near my home》PPT課件6

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件6

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件6 Think and say How can the woman get to the train station? She can get there by bus. How do you usually get to school? I get to school Look and say I can get to school This is our City Library. How c...

  • 《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5 Free talk Is your home farm from our school? How do you come to school today? How long does it take to get to our school? Look and say Whats in the picture? Who are the children? What are they doing...

  • 《There is a park near my home》PPT課件4

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件4

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件4 Look and say Where is the bookshop? Xiaogang wants to go to Xinhua Bookshop. Where is it? Can you help him? Look read and say First he should go down this street. Then turn right at the traffic l...

  • 《There is a park near my home》PPT課件3

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件3

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件3 Look and say There is/are Play a game Go back to your seat. Go to the teachers desk. Show me your left foot. Show me your right hand. Look at the picture. Whats in it? There is a community and two g...

  • 《There is a park near my home》PPT課件2

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件2

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件2 Look and say Whats in Susans community do you remember? There is/are There is a bank ________ my home. There is a hotel ________ the bookshop. There is a clothes shop _______ the bookshop and hotel...

  • 《There is a park near my home》PPT課件

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件

    《There is a park near my home》PPT課件 Look and say New words bank supermarket bookshop hotel hospital What can you see in the picture? Susans community Look at the community. Whats near Susans home? There is a park near her home. ... ......

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》MP3音頻課件

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》MP3音頻課件

    本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材MP3音頻課件,課件貼合課文內容,可與本課PPT課件匹配,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六年級下冊英語MP3音頻課件下載...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件7

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件7

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件7 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件6

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件6

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件6 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件5

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件5

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件5 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件4

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件4

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件4 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件3

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件3

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件3 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件2

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件2

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件2 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》Flash動畫課件 本課件屬于人教精通版六年級下冊英語unit1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I went to Sanya for my holidays》教學課件,人教精通版六...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件6

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件6

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件6 Free talk When do you have English classes? When did you learn English? Where do you learn English? Think and say How are we learning English now? We are learning English by chanting. How did the...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件5

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件5

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件5 Lets review What are you interested in? Im interested in Lets enjoy Do you want to know how they learned English? Our school students won the first prize in the competition of HOPE STAR. ... ......

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件4

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件4

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件4 Enjoy a story She was an ugly duckling. She began to learn to swim. She learned to fly. She learned to lay eggs. She learned a lot. She was interested in learning. At last she became a beautiful...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件3

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件3

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件3 Free talk Talk about your English learning. When did you begin to learn English? What are you interested in? What did you often do in your English classes? Listen and answer When did they begin t...

  • 《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件2

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件2

    《I went to Sanya for my holidays》PPT課件2 Review What did you do during your holidays? I went to ... I went there by ... I stayed in Look and say What did you do during your holidays? I went to the beach. go to the beach I enjoyed sunbat...

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