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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版七年級英語下冊 > 《We're going to cheer the players》Making plans PPT教學課件下載

《We're going to cheer the players》Making plans PPT教學課件下載

《We're going to cheer the players》Making plans PPT教學課件下載 詳細介紹:

《We\re going to cheer the players》Making plans PPT教學課件下載《We\re going to cheer the players》Making plans PPT教學課件下載

外研版七年級英語下冊《We're going to cheer the players》Making plans PPT教學課件下載,共30頁。

目 標

1. 獲取并梳理課文中三人計劃的具體信息;

2. 概括總結如何介紹計劃,并根據總結的表格內容復述課文中三人的計劃;

3. 結合語境,口頭談論他人的周末計劃。    

Review students’ weekend plans.

1. What is Daming going to do at the weekend?

He is going to check his email, do his homework and help with the housework.

2. What is Betty going to do at the weekend?

She is going to see a movie and have a picnic with Lingling.

3. What is Lingling going to do at the weekend?

She is going to have a piano lesson and have a picnic with Betty.

4. What are they going to do on Sunday afternoon?

They are going to have a picnic on Sunday afternoon.

Pre-reading 閱讀前

1. Talk about the pictures. 

wear the team shirt  n.球衣

cheer  v.為……喝彩

on the beach  n.海灘

Sydney Opera House

While-reading 閱讀中

2. Read  Paragraph A and answer the questions. 

What is Martin looking forward to tomorrow ?

What is Martin going to do?  

3. Read Para. B and finish the timeline.

4. Read Para. C carefully and finish the table. 

Why is this summer holiday going to be diggerent for Lucy? 

Because she is going on a summer camp. 

Who is Lucy going to stay with? 

An Australian family. 


(     )1. Zhang Sijia is going to read a book ________.

A. on the morning of 2nd May  

B. on the evening of 1st May

C. on the morning of 1st May    

D. on the afternoon of 1st May

(     )2. Lucy is going to spend the summer holiday ________ this year.

A. at home B. in China 

C. at her grandma’s home    D. in Australia

(   )3. What's the passage mainly about?

A. School life of three students.  

B. Different plans of three students.

C. Activities of three students.  

D. Hobbies of three students.

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