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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版八年級英語上冊 > 《If you go to the party you'll have a great time!》SectionB PPT課件(第3課時)

《If you go to the party you'll have a great time!》SectionB PPT課件(第3課時)

《If you go to the party you'll have a great time!》SectionB PPT課件(第3課時) 詳細介紹:

《If you go to the party you\ll have a great time!》SectionB PPT課件(第3課時)《If you go to the party you\ll have a great time!》SectionB PPT課件(第3課時)

人教版八年級英語上冊《If you go to the party you'll have a great time!》SectionB PPT課件(第3課時),共28頁。


To learn to write a passage to solve your friends’ problems in life.

To learn to make friends in a proper way.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Warming up

I don’t have many friends. What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice? 

If you join a sports team, you’ll know many new friends.

I think you should try to play games with your classmates. 

I think you should join a club. 

指  導 





復習: if 句型



If you eat less, you will be thinner.

If you work hard, you will be successful.

If you come to school late, your teacher will be angry with you.


eg:If you find the lost pet, please call me.

You can go to the movie if you finish your homework.

拓展:2.unless “如果不,除非”(if...not) 

eg:Unless we work hard,we can't pass the exam.

=If we don't work hard,we can't pass the exam.


1. Copy and recite the new words & Grammar Focus.

2. 模仿編五個對話。

I think I’ll do ____________.

If you do, you’ll ____________.

... ... ...

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