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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版九年級英語下冊 > 《You are supposed to shake hands》SectionA PPT教學課件(第1課時)

《You are supposed to shake hands》SectionA PPT教學課件(第1課時)

《You are supposed to shake hands》SectionA PPT教學課件(第1課時) 詳細介紹:

《You are supposed to shake hands》SectionA PPT教學課件(第1課時)《You are supposed to shake hands》SectionA PPT教學課件(第1課時)

人教版九年級英語下冊《You are supposed to shake hands》SectionA PPT教學課件(第1課時),共44頁。


To remember the new words: custom, bow, kiss, greet, be supposed to...

To learn about Western countries’ customs. 

To learn to talk about what you are supposed to do.

Warming up

What do people do when they meet for the first time? 

Listen again and fill in the blanks.

A1: What are people__________ to do when they meet in your country, Rodrigo?

B1: Do you mean when people meet for the first time?

A1: Yeah.

B1: In Mexico we __________________.

A1: What about in___________, Celia?

A2: Well, in Brazil , people sometimes___________.

A1: How about in _________, Yoshi? What are people expected to do when they meet for the first time?

A3: We __________.

B2: And in __________we also ____________.

A1: Well, I guess in most _________________we shake hands.

Answer the questions.

How was the welcome party for foreign students?


Who did John meet?

A  Japanese boy called Sato. 

Is it polite to know nothing about other countries’ customs?

No, it isn’t.

What are French people supposed to do when they meet each other?

They are supposed to kiss each other.

Language points

1.You’re supposed to shake hands.你應該握手。

be supposed to do sth.意為“應該/應當做某事”,相當于should do sth.,用來表示根據規定或傳統習慣人們不得不做或期待發生的事。be supposed to中的to為動詞不定式符號,后接動詞原形,be動詞有人稱和時態的變化。


①當be supposed to...的主語是“人”時,意為“應該……,被期望……”,可以用來表示勸告、建議、義務、責任等,相當于情態動詞should。例如:

You’re supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.


②當be supposed to...的主語是“物”時,意為“本應,本該”,用于表示某事本應該發生而沒有發生。

The meeting is supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we have to put it off.


③be supposed to...還可用于表示“被認為……;被相信是……”。

They are supposed to be very clever.


This house is supposed to be his.


④be supposed to...的否定結構為be not supposed to...,它常用于口語中,意為“不被許可……;不應當……”。


Remember the new words after class.

Write the sentences about what people are supposed to do in the countries in 1a.

Preview the passage in 3a.

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