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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版八年級英語上冊 > 《How often do you exercise?》PPT課件14

《How often do you exercise?》PPT課件14

《How often do you exercise?》PPT課件14 詳細介紹:

《How often do you exercise?》PPT課件14《How often do you exercise?》PPT課件14

《How often do you exercise?》PPT課件14

Give advice

What should I do to keep fish at home?

Maybe you should…

often give it clean water

change the water once a week

put some green leaves in the bowl

not give it too much food 

not put it in the sun

... ... ...

Ask and answer questions. Use the words from 1a.

A: How often do you drink milk, Liu Fang?

B: I drink milk every day.

A: Do you like it?

B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says it’s good for my health. 

Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the survey.

Questions           Tina              Bill

1. How often do you exercise?Every day    ____

2. How often do you eat fruit?                                       

3. How many hours do you sleep every night?                           

4. How often do you drink milk?                                     

5. How often do you eat junk food?                                   

6. How often do you drink coffee?                                     

... ... ...

Student A is the reporter. Student B is Tina or Bill. Ask and answer questions. Then change roles. 

A: How often do you exercise?

B: I exercise every day.

A: And how often do you…? 

Read the article again and answer the questions. 

1. How many students do not exercise at all? 

2. How many students use the Internet every day? 

3. How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually watch? 

4. What doest the writer think is the best way to relax? Why? 

5. Do you think the students at No. 5 are healthy? Why or why not? 

... ... ...



What _______ your father usually_______ ______  __________?


________  _________ do you clean your bedroom?


Mother _________it’s ________ ________ my health.


_________  _________ hours do you __________ every night?


Some students watch TV ______ _______ _______times a week.

關鍵詞:《How often do you exercise?》教學課件,人教版八年級上冊英語課件,八年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《How often do you exercise?》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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