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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版八年級英語上冊 > 《What's the best movie theater?》PPT課件9

《What's the best movie theater?》PPT課件9

《What's the best movie theater?》PPT課件9 詳細介紹:

《What\s the best movie theater?》PPT課件9《What\s the best movie theater?》PPT課件9

《What's the best movie theater?》PPT課件9


In our class, who is the funniest student?

In our class, who is the most serious student?

In our class, who is the tallest student?

In all the subjects, which is the most 

interesting subject?

In all the subjects, which is the most difficult subject?

1. Who’s the tallest in your class? 

2. Which is the worst clothes store? 

3. Which is the best clothes store? 

4. Which radio station plays the most boring songs?

5. Which radio station plays the best songs?

6. Which cinema has the most comfortable seats?

... ... ...


1. What is the ____ _____ ______ (最好的電影院) to go to?

2. Town Cinema. It’s the ______ __ _____ (離家最近).

3. And you can buy tickets ____ ______  ________ (最快地) there. 

4. Which is ____ ______ (最差的) clothes store in town? 

5. Dream Clothes. It’s ______ _____ (差一些) Blue Moon. 


1. A + be + the 形容詞最較級 + 表示范圍的介詞詞組

2. A + 動詞 + (the) 副詞最高級 +(表示范圍的介詞詞組) 

... ... ...

New words

1. worse adj. 或 adv. 更差;更壞;更糟 

bad / badly 的比較較,是不規則的比較形式,最高級形式是worst。

2. service  n. 接待;服務

e.g. Miller’s store has the best service.


3. pretty  adv. 相當;十分;很

副詞,修飾形容詞、副詞或動詞;同義詞 very。

關鍵詞:《What's the best movie theater?》教學課件,人教版八年級上冊英語課件,八年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《What's the best movie theater?》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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