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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版八年級英語上冊 > 《Do you want to watch a game show》PPT課件10

《Do you want to watch a game show》PPT課件10

《Do you want to watch a game show》PPT課件10 詳細介紹:

《Do you want to watch a game show》PPT課件10《Do you want to watch a game show》PPT課件10

《Do you want to watch a game show》PPT課件10


1. 你想看新聞嗎?

Do you want to ______ ___ _____?

2. 你覺得談話節目怎么樣?

What do you ______ ___ __________?

3. 我不介意看。/我不能忍受。/ 我喜歡看。

I don’t ______ them. I _____ ______  them. I ____ ________ them. 

4. 你計劃今晚上看什么節目?

_____ do you _____ ___ watch tonight?

5. 我計劃看《我們過去的時代》。 

I ______ ____ watch Days of Our Past.

6. 你期望從情景喜劇中學到什么?

What can you ______ __ ______ from sitcoms? 

7. 你能學到一些很好的笑話。   

You can ______ some great _____.  

8. 你為什么喜歡看新聞呢?

Why do you like _________ ___ ______?

9. 因為我希望了解在世界各地發生了什么事情。

Because I _____ ___ _____ ____ what’s going on around the world. 

... ... ...


1. She expects ________ (arrive) tomorrow.

2. Let’s _______ (watch) talk shows tonight.

3. They hope _______ (visit) the Great Wall next year. 

4. Do you plan ______ (find) a part-time job?

5. When do you want _____ (go) swimming?

6. My uncle often helps me _____ (learn)  English. 

... ... ...


1. want to … 

My sister wants to join a music club. 

2. expect to …

Mr. Li expects to visit America next year. 

3. hope to … 

My cousin hopes to get good grades in math. 

關鍵詞:《Do you want to watch a game show》教學課件,人教版八年級上冊英語課件,八年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《Do you want to watch a game show》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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