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《I can jump far》PPT課件

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《I can jump far》PPT課件《I can jump far》PPT課件

《I can jump far》PPT課件

can  能夠

I can swim.

I can play football.

I can play basketball.

can  能夠

can + not = can’t 


... ... ...

Can Sam run fast?

Yes, he can.

Can Amy run fast?

No, she can’t.

Say a chant!!!!!!!

Can you run? Can you run?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can.

Can you jump? Can you jump?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t.

... ... ...






回家用“Can you…?”句型詢父母能做什么,不能做什么。

關鍵詞:《I can jump far》教學課件,外研版一起點三年級上冊英語課件,三年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《I can jump far》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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    外研版三年級英語上冊《I can jump far》PPT免費課件,共9頁。 Lets answer. a. Can Amy run fast? b. Is Sam the winner? c. Can Sam jump far? d. Is Amy the winner? Lets circle. 1.The dog and the sheep are running/swimming. 2. Sam can/cant run fa..

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    外研版三年級英語上冊《I can jump far》PPT教學課件,共14頁。 Preview Can he play basketball? Yes, he can. No, he can't. run 跑;跑步 fast 快速的;快的 Presentation Listen and answer 1.Where are Sam, Daming, Amy,and Lingling? 2.What are the..


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