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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版三年級英語上冊 >
  • 《Point to her nose》PPT優質課件

    《Point to her nose》PPT優質課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Point to her nose》PPT優質課件,共58頁。 Revision. This is his head. This is his arm. This is his hand. This is his leg. This is his foot. his與her his與her都是形容詞性物主代詞,后加名詞。 his他的 This is his English...

  • 《This is his head》PPT優質課件

    《This is his head》PPT優質課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《This is his head》PPT優質課件,共56頁。 New Words. This is his ball. This is his books. Its on the chair. 拓展:head teacher Game. 聽指令 做動作 老師發出指令。全班同學按照指令指出相應部位。之后同桌兩人合作??凑l的反應...

  • 《He

    《He's a doctor》PPT精品課件下載

    外研版三年級英語上冊《He's a doctor》PPT精品課件下載,共58頁。 New words. He is a doctor. police(警方) + man(男人) = policeman drive(駕駛) + r = driver farm(農場) + er = farmer This is my grandpa. He is a farmer. This is my mother....

  • 《This is my mother》PPT優質課件

    《This is my mother》PPT優質課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《This is my mother》PPT優質課件,共55頁。 Revision. Is it a? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Wheres the? Its in the... Is it in the ? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Listen, point and say. Heres my father. Heres my mother. Heres m...

  • 《Where

    《Where's the cat?》PPT優秀課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Where's the cat?》PPT優秀課件,共43頁。 Revision. Is it a ...? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. New Words. where (wheres = where is) 哪里(在哪里) in a bag Listen and chant. Im a cat, cat, cat in a bag, bag, bag. Wheres th...

  • 《Is it a monster?》PPT優秀課件

    《Is it a monster?》PPT優秀課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Is it a monster?》PPT優秀課件,共60頁。 New Words. my new kite It is a monster. I dont know. Game. 丟手帕 讓學生站一圈并蹲下,老師圍著學生轉,并一起說 Your cat or you kite?,老師把手帕輕輕地放在一位同學后背上,一圈后...

  • 《What

    《What's that?》PPT精品課件下載

    外研版三年級英語上冊《What's that?》PPT精品課件下載,共48頁。 Listen and chant. Pen and pencil. Pen and pencil. Pencil and pen. Say it again. Say it again. 再說一次。 Whats this? Its a pen. Whats that? Its a pencil. this/that的用法小結。 t...

  • 《What

    《What's this?》PPT精品教學課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《What's this?》PPT精品教學課件,共54頁。 New words. This is my teacher. Im a pupil. This is my school. This is my English teacher. This is my classroom. Game. 眼疾腦快 老師隨意走到一名同學身邊,指著任意一個物品,例如課...

  • 《How old are you?》PPT免費教學課件

    《How old are you?》PPT免費教學課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《How old are you?》PPT免費教學課件,共57頁。 Listen and count. 老師拍手,同學們聽并在心里默默數次數,然后說出相應數字?;蛘唿c學生拍手。 Revision. Happy birthday. Thank you. Heres your cake. Thank you. Whats this? Its a...

  • 《Happy Birthday!》PPT優秀教學課件

    《Happy Birthday!》PPT優秀教學課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Happy Birthday!》PPT優秀教學課件,共61頁。 How many pandas? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! How many cats? One, two, three, four, five, six! New words. Happy birthday! heres = here is這是 Whats t...

  • 《Nine girls?》PPT精品課件下載

    《Nine girls?》PPT精品課件下載

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Nine girls?》PPT精品課件下載,共64頁。 Lets Chant How many? How many? One. One. One. How many? How many? Two. Two. Two. How many? How many? Three. Three. Three How many? How many? Four. Four. Four. How many? How many?...

  • 《How many?》PPT教學課件下載

    《How many?》PPT教學課件下載

    外研版三年級英語上冊《How many?》PPT教學課件下載,共48頁。 New words. how many one cap two cats three dogs four birds five apples six balls seven pandas eight girls Pair work. 同桌中一人任意指著課本上的某幅畫,問:How many?另一人用one,tw...

  • 《It’s red!》PPT教學課件

    《It’s red!》PPT教學課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Its red!》PPT教學課件,共54頁。 Revision. Whats your name? My name is Sam. Im Sam. Game. 運氣球 以組為單位,從每組選一位同學,這兩位同學用手托氣球,并用Its 造句,氣球掉下之前說的最多者為優勝者。 Listen, point and say....

  • 《Point to the desk》PPT教學課件

    《Point to the desk》PPT教學課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Point to the desk》PPT教學課件,共13頁。 知識回顧 point to 指向 point 指 to (表示方向)向 例:Point to the door.指向門。 講授新知 desk 桌子 chair 椅子 練一練 兩人一組,仿照下面的對話練習。 作業 1.熟練運用Point to......

  • 《Point to the desk》PPT下載

    《Point to the desk》PPT下載

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Point to the desk》PPT下載,共19頁。 Listen, point and say Point to the window. Point to the door. Point to the desk. Point to the chair. Listen and say Daming, Lingling, Amy分別都發出了哪些指令? Listen and say. Then...

  • 《Point to the desk》PPT課件

    《Point to the desk》PPT課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Point to the desk》PPT課件,共49頁。 New words. 我會變魔術。 Tweet-tweet. Game. 剪刀包袱錘 同桌兩人剪刀包袱錘,贏的一名學生指教室里一樣物體,另一名同學用Point to 表達。 Listen, point and say. Point to the window! Poin...

  • 《Point to the door》PPT免費下載

    《Point to the door》PPT免費下載

    外研版三年級英語上冊《Point to the door》PPT免費下載,共62頁。 New Words. point to 指向 stand up 起立 sit down 坐下 Game. 猜謎語 四四方方一間房, 只有桌椅沒有床, 白天讀書聲朗朗, 夜里無人靜悄悄。 Sum up. What have you learnt? 祈使句: 表示...

  • 《What

    《What's your name?》PPT優質課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《What's your name?》PPT優質課件,共50頁。 Revision. Hello/ Hi ! Im/ I am How are you, Xiaomei? Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you. 看圖說問候語 Your name? 你叫什么名字? Your name, please? 請問你叫什么名...

  • 《I

    《I'm Ms Smart》PPT優秀課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《I'm Ms Smart》PPT優秀課件,共51頁。 開心兒歌 Hello, Hello, How Are You? Role play and act out. Hi, Xiaomei. Hello, Mingming. How are you, Xiaomei? Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you. Hi, Xiaoli. Hello,...

  • 《How are you?》PPT優秀教學課件

    《How are you?》PPT優秀教學課件

    外研版三年級英語上冊《How are you?》PPT優秀教學課件,共53頁。 the Hello Song Hi, hello! Hi, hello! I am Tom. Hi, hello! Hi, hello! I am Eve. Hi, hello! Hi, hello! I am Tom. Hi, hello! Hi, hello! I am Eve. Revision. Hello/ Hi, Im/ I am Intr...

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