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《She learnt English》PPT課件

《She learnt English》PPT課件 詳細介紹:

《She learnt English》PPT課件《She learnt English》PPT課件

《She learnt English》PPT課件


Who’s this lady?

What is she?

She is a teacher.

What is she doing?

She is teaching.

She is writing.

... ... ...

Listen and answer .

What did she do?

She learnt to dance.

She learnt to cook.

She taught languages and wrote a book. 


is------was     are----were       

cook ----cooked   do ----- did

dance ---danced

write--- wrote


learn------ learnt   

study----- studied  

... ... ...

Listen and choose .

1.They’re Lingling’s______.

A. parents    B. grandparents

2.Lingling’s grandma was a______. 

A. dancer     B. teacher

3. she______a foreign language.

A. learnt     B. didn’t learn

4. Lingling’s grandpa was a______.

A. dancer    B. diver

5. He______English then.

A. learnt      B. didn’t learn

6. Now, he is______.

A. learning English   B. driving

... ... ...


- ______

-They’re my grandparents!

- ______

-Yes, she was.

- ______

-Yes, she did. And she taught English.


No. He was a doctor.

A. Look at the books, Was she a  teacher?

B. Did she learn English?

C. Who are they?

D. Was your grandpa a teacher too?

... ... ...


1. Many years ago, my grandma  ____(is)a dancer. He _____(dance) in lots of________ (China)cities.

2. My grandpa was a ____ ( drive). He______ (not learn) English. But now he____(learn)English now.

3. ______you_____(learn) anything yesterday?

Yes, I learnt______(cook) yesterday.


She, lots of, danced, cities, in, Chinese.

She danced in lots of Chinese cities.

learnt,  We, dance, to, yesterday. 

We learnt to dance yesterday.

didn’t, She, foreign, learn, languages, any.

She didn’t learn any foreign languages.

grandpa, Did, your, write, yesterday?

Did your grandpa write yesterday?

關鍵詞:《She learnt English》教學課件,外研版三起點五年級下冊英語課件,五年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《She learnt English》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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