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《Let's make a home library》PPT課件

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《Let\s make a home library》PPT課件《Let\s make a home library》PPT課件

《Let's make a home library》PPT課件

Let’s go to the library!

library  card 圖書證

bus  card     公交卡

bank  card   銀行卡


1.Let’s put them on this shelf.讓我們把它們放在這個架子上。

2.Let’s put them with the CDs.讓我們把它們和光盤放一起。

3.We can put them here.我們可以把它們放在這。

4.We can ask them to come.我們可以叫他們來。


1.let’s +動原 \  can + 動原

2.let , 動,介,to +代詞賓格

3.ask +人+ to do “叫人去做某事”

4.send +物體 + to +人“寄東西給某人”

... ... ...


1.We have got (haven’t got) books for teachers.


2. A friend sent these books to us.


3 That’s a good idea.


4. These are all books about science. 


5. They are on shelf C.


... ... ...


1、books, you ,where ,are ,about ,sports ,the?

Where are the books about sports ?

2. are , the , they , on , B, Shelf.

They are on Shelf B.

3. got , books , have , we, for , teachers.

We have got books for teachers.

... ... ...


1  抄寫5個單詞

2  熟讀課文

關鍵詞:《Let's make a home library》教學課件,外研版三起點五年級下冊英語課件,五年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《Let's make a home library》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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