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《It's big and light》PPT課件4

《It's big and light》PPT課件4 詳細介紹:

《It\s big and light》PPT課件4《It\s big and light》PPT課件4

《It's big and light》PPT課件4

Let's chant.

It's big.  It's light.

It's hard to fly a kite.

It's blue. It's white.

It's nice to ride a bike.


Light light light,it’s very light .  

Heavy heavy heavy,it’s very heavy . 

Broken broken broken, it’s very broken. 

Pocket pocket pocket,it’s a pocket. 

... ... ...

Listen and answer:

1. What does Lingling need(需要)?

She needs a bag.

2. How many bags do they see(看到) at the department store?

They see 3 bags

3.Which(哪個) bag do they buy?

The blue bag.

... ... ...

The yellow pencils are broken.

The blue pencils are new.

The yellow kite is small/old.

The red kite is big/new.

The blue shoes are clean/new.

The white shoes are dirty/old.

關鍵詞:《It's big and light》教學課件,外研版三起點五年級下冊英語課件,五年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《It's big and light》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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