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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版五年級英語下冊 > 《I'm in New York now》PPT課件4

《I'm in New York now》PPT課件4

《I'm in New York now》PPT課件4 詳細介紹:

《I\m in New York now》PPT課件4《I\m in New York now》PPT課件4

《I'm in New York now》PPT課件4

Where is Daming going?

He is going to the airport.

What is he going to take?

He is going to take clothes, shoes, presents, the ticket and passport.

When is he going to the airport?

He is going to the airport at 7 o’clock in the morning.

Who is going to the airport with Daming?

Mum is going to the airport with Daming.

... ... ...


be going to +地點 = will go to +地點

將要去某個地方:I am going to the zoo.= I will go to the zoo.

be going to +動詞原形 = will+動詞原形

將要做某事:Dad is going to ask you some questions.

= Dad will ask you some questions.

be在運用中要變成相應的am, is, are.

我用am, 你用are,  單數is,  復數are。

I am going to… 

She is going to…/He is going to…/It is going to…     

We are going to…/They are going to… / You are going to… 

... ... ...

Read and answer.

Is Daming happy?

Yes, he is.

How is New York?

It is very beautiful. 

There are lots of tall buildings and cars.

What does Daming want to do?

He wants to try American food.

He wants to find out more about the US.

關鍵詞:《I'm in New York now》教學課件,外研版三起點五年級下冊英語課件,五年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《I'm in New York now》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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    《I'm in New York now》PPT課件3

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