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《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件8

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件8 詳細介紹:

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件8《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件8

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件8

學 習 重 點

單詞: crossing, turn, north, right, left, along;

短語: go along (the street), turn right, turn left;

句型: 1. --- Is there a bank near here? 

--- Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.

2. --- Are there any restaurants near here?     

--- Yes, there’s one in front of the post office. 

3. --- Where is the hotel? 

--- It’s behind the police station.

4. ---Where are the pay phones? 

--- They’re between the post office and the library.

... ... ...

預 習 檢 測


1.__________ n. 北方;adj. 北方的

2.________ prep. 沿著

3.________ v. 轉向;翻

4.__________ n. 右邊;adv. 右邊的

5.__________ n. 左邊;adv. 左邊的

6.__________ n.十字路口


7. 向左轉 __________________

8. 向右轉 ___________________

9. 沿著…走 _________________

10. 在左邊 __________________

11. 在你的右邊 _______________

12. 在第一個十字路口 ______________

... ... ...

思 考 探 究

go along意思是“沿著…走”。它的同義短語是:walk along/go down,

1) ___________________ Center Street and you will find the post office. 

turn right at the first crossing. 在第一個路口向右轉。

turn left/right 意為“向左/右轉”。 

2) crossing 是 _____ (詞性),意為“十字路口”。


Turn right/left at the +序數詞+crossing. = Take the +序數詞+crossing on the right/left. 

3) 在第二個十字路口向左轉。

______ at ___________.= _________ on ______.

on the left/right 意為“在左/右邊”;on one’s left/right 意為“在某人的左邊/右邊”;

4) 飯店在你的右邊。

The restaurant is __________.

5) 那些書就在你的左手邊。

The books are ____________.

問路的句型: Where is...? / How can I get to...? / Which is the way to...? / Can you tell me the way to...? / Is there a ... near here?

... ... ...


(    ) 1. The hospital isn’t far ____ the shop.

A. of        B. from

C. with      D. for

(    ) 2. There is a desk ____ the classroom.

A. next        B. between

C. front of     D. in the front of 

(    ) 3. ---Is there a pay phone near the shop?   

--- __________

A. Yes, it is.       B. Yes, there is.  

C. Yes, they are.    D. No, there is.

(    ) 4. --- I’m going to Beijing next week.  

--- I hope you can ________.

A. have a bad trip  B. to have a good trip

C. have a good trip     D. having a good trip

... ... ...


6. You can go _________ (沿著) North Street.

7. The restaurant is ________(在...對面) from the post office.

8. Turn left at the first _________ (十字路口), you can find the hospital.

9. Excuse me, is there a police station _______ (在… 周圍) here?


10. 一直往前走,在第一個十字路口向右拐,銀行就在你的左邊。

Go down and ___________________. The bank is ________.

11. 公園緊挨著銀行。

The park is ______ the bank.

12. 在北街上有飯店嗎?

_______ a restaurant ____ North Street ?

13. ---勞駕,公用電話在哪里?---在郵電局后面。

 ---________, where’s the _______?  

 --- It’s _______ the post office.

關鍵詞:《Is there a post office near here?》教學課件,人教新目標版七年級下冊英語PPT課件下載,七年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件下載,.PPT格式;

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