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《Books or Computers?》The Internet Connects Us PPT

《Books or Computers?》The Internet Connects Us PPT 詳細介紹:

《Books or Computers?》The Internet Connects Us PPT《Books or Computers?》The Internet Connects Us PPT《Books or Computers?》The Internet Connects Us PPT

《Books or Computers?》The Internet Connects Us PPT

第一部分內容:Think about it

1.What is the video about ?

It is about the four great inventions  of ancient China .

2.What are the four great inventions of ancient China ?

They are the compass(指南針)、gunpowder(火藥)、printing and paper.

... ... ...

Books or Computers?PPT,第二部分內容:Words and phrases 

by hand    用手;手工

keep on    繼續

In ancient times, people wrote each word_______.

To write one book, they usually _________writing for a long time.

modern     adj.現代的

printing press   印刷機

pass on     傳遞

This is a ____________.

With ______ technology,  it was possible to ________ knowledge.

printing press   印刷機

pass on     傳遞

by hand    用手;手工

keep on     繼續

... ... ...

Books or Computers?PPT,第三部分內容:Listen and answer.

1.How did people write books in ancient times?

By hand

2.What made it possible to print books quickly?

The printing press.

3.What kind of books quickly changed people’s reading habits?

The  electronic books (e-books).

Skim reading . Put the sentences in the correct order


It took a long time to write just one book. 

It made it possible for common people to read books.

The e-book appeared.

People had no books, and they shared knowledge by telling stories.

The printing press appeared.

People download books from the Internet.

With paper, people began to write down stories.

... ... ...

Books or Computers?PPT,第四部分內容:Intensive reading. 

Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.(閱讀課文第一段然后填空).


With paper, people began to _____ _______ their stories. People wrote each word ________. It took a____time to write one book.__________couldn’t travel ___.

Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.閱讀課文第二段然后填空

Printing press

When the printing press _________, it changed the world. The ________ printing press can print books ________, and makes it possible for the _______ person to have ______ access (權利,機會)to read books.

Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks



___________ and the Internet changed the world. They made it possible for a new kind of book: the _______ books. Traditionally books could only be _______ and sold at the store, but today you can buy and _______ books ______.

... ... ...

Books or Computers?PPT,第五部分內容:Homework

Writing. Do you like reading paper books or electronic books? Why?

Write a short passage .

No matter what we have, a computer, a tablet, a laptop, an e-reader or a real book, keep on reading! Reading can make us rich and strong!

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