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《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT下載

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《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT下載《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT下載《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT下載

《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT下載




2. 十億;千兆________

3. n.總計;總數 adj.總的;總計的 ________



6.adj.印度的 n.印度人________→________(n.印度) 

7. Atlantic ________

8. Arctic ________


1.on the earth ____________

2.all year round ____________

3.the number of… ____________ 

4.總計;合計;總共 ____________

5.被……覆蓋 ____________

6.三分之二 ____________



And ________ 2050, the world's population ________ ________ 9 billion.


These dry places ________ ________ deserts.


________ ________ not easy ________ ________ ________ those places.


It must ________ ________ well for our children and for our children's children, too!

... ... ...

The World Is a Big PlacePPT,第二部分內容:課堂互動探究


increase v.  增加;增大

[觀察] It is increasing very quickly.


Reading can increase your knowledge. 閱讀可以增長你的知識。

[探究] increase意為“增加,增大”,可用作及物動詞,也可用作不及物動詞。用作及物動詞時,常接名詞作________。


1 And by 2050, the world's population may reach 9 billion.


[探究] (1) “by+時間”表示“到……為止;不遲于……”。根據不同的時間,使用不同的________。

(2)billion 意為“十億”,前面有________數字時,用單數形式;后面加________表示概數時,用________形式。例如:

two billion 20億 billions of  數十億

[拓展]與 billion 用法相同的詞還有hundred(百), thousand(千), million(百萬)。

2 We can't live in water, and only about one third of our planet is land. 我們不能居住在水里,而我們的星球只有三分之一的面積是陸地。

[探究] one third of our planet意為“我們星球的三分之一”,one third表示分數1/3。英語中的分數用數詞來表示:分子用基數詞,分母用序數詞。如果分子大于1,則分母用復數形式。分子和分母中間可加連詞符,也可不加。表示“一半”時,常用half。例如:2/7 two sevenths(two­-sevenths) 1/2 one half

[拓展] 分數修飾名詞作主語時,謂語動詞的單復數要根據分數所修飾的名詞的單復數來定。

Three fourths of the money has been spent on books.


Two thirds of the students in my class are boys.


3 It must be treated well for our children and for our children's children, too! 


[探究] must be treated為含有情態動詞的被動語態形式。含有情態動詞的被動語態構成形式為“情態動詞+be+________________”。例如:

The trees should be treated well.樹木應該被好好地對待。

An art school may be opened next year.


This book must not be removed from the library.本書不得帶出圖書館。

She might be sent to work abroad.她可能被派往國外工作。 

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關鍵詞:冀教版八年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,The World Is a Big PlacePPT下載,Know Our WorldPPT下載,.PPT格式;

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