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《Teenage Life》Project and Video Time的學習模態PPT

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《Teenage Life》Project and Video Time的學習模態PPT《Teenage Life》Project and Video Time的學習模態PPT《Teenage Life》Project and Video Time的學習模態PPT

《Teenage Life》Project and Video Time的學習模態PPT


1.Chinese opera is one of the three oldest theatrical art forms in the world, together with Greek Drama and Indian Sanskrit Drama.


2.Beijing Opera acts based on specialized roles like Sheng, Dan, Jing, Chou.


3.Facial painting is a prominent feature of Beijing Opera.



①theatrical adj.戲劇的,劇場的

②role n.   角色

③prominent adj.  顯著的,突出的

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Teenage LifePPT,第二部分內容:用英語介紹中國——必通古今

1.Regional Varieties 地方戲曲 

For more than two thousand years, Chinese opera has evolved into many different regional varieties (種類) based on local traits and accents.Kun Opera, Qinqiang Opera, and Yu Opera, Yue Opera, Huangmei Opera are all very enjoyable.Beijing Opera, the best­known Chinese opera style, was formed from the mingling (混合) of these regional styles.


2.Hodgepodge of Different Arts 藝術大雜燴 

Chinese opera evolved from folk songs, dances, talking, antimasque (滑稽戲), and especially distinctive dialectical (方言的) music.It combined music, art and literature into one performance on the stage.


3.The Highlights 特色 

The different styles of facial make­up are the highlights and they require distinctive techniques of painting.Exaggerated (夸張的) designs are painted on each performer's face to symbolize a character's personality.


What fascinates people most is the marvelous Kungfu and acrobatics (雜技).Players can make fire spray out of their mouths when they act as spirits, or can gallop while squatting to act as a dwarf.


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Teenage LifePPT,第三部分內容:用英語介紹中國——模擬對話

W:Do you know about the “Pear Garden”? 

M:A bit of it.It was the first known opera troupe in China.



W:The facial painting looks amazing.

M:Yeah.The red represents loyalty and bravery; a black face, valour; yellow and white faces, duplicity.



W:Wow, Kunqu Opera was listed by UNESCO.

M:It won renown for its gentle and clear vocals, beautiful and refined tunes.




①troupe n.劇團,戲班子 

②bravery n.  勇敢,勇氣

③duplicity n.  欺詐,奸詐 

④renown n.  聲望,聲譽 

⑤vocals n.  聲樂部分

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