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《Information Technology》SectionⅡPPT

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《Information Technology》SectionⅡPPT



1.Discussion—Do you use a photo of yourself or a different image as an avatar when you are online?Why?

I use a cute animal avatar instead of a photo to avoid online safety risks.

2.Prediction—Look at the pictures and the title on Page 8~9,and predict what the text is probably about.

The text is mainly about the definition of avatars and their history.


1.First reading—Read the text and match the main idea with each paragraph.

Part 1 (Para.1) A.The views on the use of avatars

Part 2 (Para.2)   B.Avatars are everywhere nowadays.

Part 3 (Paras.3~4)   C.The history of avatars

Part 4 (Para.5)  D.The definition of avatars

Part 5 (Para.6)   E.The purposes of avatars

2.Second reading—Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.

(1)When were avatars being used in web chats like instant messenger?

A.In the 1980s. B.By the late 1990s.

C.Nowadays. D.In the 1970s.

(2)What does a picture of a cute cat mean?

A.“I like relaxing and having fun.”

B.“I’m a really funny person.”

C.“I’m tall,young and nice-looking.”

D.“I like being creative.”

(3)Who could see your avatars?

A.Only your friends. B.Many people.

C.No one.  D.Only your family.

(4)What people can use avatars do?

A.Act just like a real person.

B.Travel around bigger,more exciting virtual worlds.

C.Help others online.

D.Cheat others online.

(5)What is the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce some information about avatars.

B.To express yourself using pictures.

C.To introduce the history of avatars.

D.To introduce definition of avatars.

... ... ...


1.a cute animal avatar

2.an avatar in fancy clothes

3.a cartoon character avatar

4.to express oneself freely

5.to experiment with interesting things

6.to trick others

7.to create real/digital identities

8.to avoid/cause online safety risks

9.to live in a virtual world

10.to protect oneself

... ... ...


We can guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words according to:

1.General context(廣義語境);

2.Definitions (direct or indirect)(直接定義或間接定義);




6.Word stems and affixes(詞干和詞綴).

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Information Technology PPT,第二部分內容:語言現象感知



1.Of course, the avatar you choose says a lot about your personality.____________

2.Well-known cartoon characters or laughing monkeys say “ I’m a really funny person.”____________

3.The use of avatars has also caused a few concerns.____________

4.Some users worry that they are spending so much time in virtual worlds that they are becoming afraid of meeting people in the real world.____________



1.a wide variety of forms____________

2.have fun____________

3.look more or less like them________________________

4.make a few improvements____________

5.express yourself____________

6.have the power to create new identities___________________

7.at the same time____________

8.in a more positive light______________________



When people started creating their own avatars, they discovered that they were going to have the power to create new identities that did not look or act like their real selves at all.


I like relaxing and having fun.


Most people create avatars that have similar features to their personalities and that look more or less like them and act like them.

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Information Technology PPT,第三部分內容:課時基礎過關


1.____________(現今)people travel in cars rather than carriages.

2.He ____________(誘騙)the beautiful girl into lending him 10,000 yuan.

3.Nowadays people are more ____________ (擔心)about the environment where they live.

4.You look good with your new ____________(發型).

5.Last week they went over their seeds to make a careful ____________(選擇).

6.It is ____________(obviously) that she is the very person for the job.

7.The writing of poems, stories or plays is often called ____________ (creativity) writing.

8.There are ____________(variety) ways of solving the problem.

9.He recognized her ____________ (instant), even though he had never seen her.

10.It is ____________ (virtual) impossible to predict the future accurately.


1.I made this cake specially, with brown sugar ________________(代替)white.

2.I ________________(期待)seeing you again soon.Goodbye.

3.________________(各式各樣的)food is sold at the supermarket.

4.Many people __________________(關心)the pollution of the environment.

5.He came ________________(一……就……)I called his name.


1.They also experiment with things like different hairstyles—which says a lot, perhaps, about what they want to look like.


[仿寫] 我們的家鄉變化很大,它現在與數年前的樣子完全不同。 

Our hometown has changed a lot, and now it is quite different from _______________a few years ago.

2.Some users worry that they are spending so much time in virtual worlds that they are becoming afraid of meeting people in the real world.


[仿寫] 當球迷們看到貝克漢姆的時候,他們如此激動以至于大喊大叫。 

When the football fans saw Beckham,they got _______________ they cried out.

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Our parents are concerned about our health and future.As far as I’m concerned, we should talk with our parents and tell them our concerns.



select (v.)→selection (n.) 

vary (v.)→variety (n.)


instant (adj.)→ instantly (adv.)

virtual (adj.) → virtually (adv.)

obvious (adj.)→obviously (adv.)



hair+style →hairstyle



2.“so...that...” 固定句型,意為“如此……以至于……”

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Information Technology PPT,第四部分內容:課文整體突破


1.trick vt. 欺騙,誘騙,哄騙 n.騙局,把戲,玩笑,訣竅

to trick others(教材P8)來欺騙別人

[合作探究] 體會trick的用法和意義

The boys hid John’s bike to play a trick on him.


You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.老狗學不會新把戲。

He tricked me into lending him $100.他騙我借給了他100美元。

He tricked the girl out of all her money.他騙了那個女孩所有的錢。


①play a trick/tricks ____________ sb 欺騙/捉弄/戲弄某人

②trick sb ____________ doing sth  騙某人做某事

③trick sb ____________ sth  從某人處騙走某物

[鞏固內化] 單句語法填空

①By tradition, in some countries,people can play tricks ____________ each other before noon on April 1, but they’ll be foolish if they do it in the afternoon.

②Today,a fall guy is a person who is tricked ____________ taking the blame for the crime or wrongdoing of someone else.

③The old woman was tricked ____________ of her golden earrings.

[思考] 表示“玩弄;拿……開玩笑”的短語還有哪些?

2.instant adj.即時的,立刻的,馬上的 n.瞬間;片刻 instantly adv.立即地 conj.一……就……

By the late 1990s, they had been used in web chats like instant messenger.(教材P9)


[合作探究] 體會instant的用法和意義

The telegram asked for an instant reply.這封電報要求立即回復。

I shall be back in an instant.我馬上就回來。

I couldn’t answer for an instant.我一時答不上來。

The instant (that) I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for.


... ... ...


1.a variety of各種各樣的

①He left for a variety of reasons.


②Varieties of flowers are sold in the market.


③Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.


[鞏固內化] (1)單句語法填空

①Whether it is in the past,at present,or in the future,time would not vary ____________ the development of the world.

②Many parents want to give their children chances to experience a variety ____________ situations.

③The shop has ____________ (vary) clothes for women customers to choose from.



I have ________________ books in my home.

=I have ________________ books in my home.

2.instead of代替,作為……的替換

They could dress their avatars in fancy clothes,or they could try being someone of the opposite sex, and call themselves “Andy” instead of “Anna”!(教材P9)


[短語記牢] 記牢下列短語

(1)instead of表示“代替,作為……的替換”,為介詞短語,其后常接名詞、代詞或v.-ing作賓語。


①Instead of going to Qingdao,I’m going to Dalian this year.


②Mr Wang is ill.I will take his class instead.王老師病了,我將替他上課。


(1)選詞填空:instead/instead of

①Jack didn’t study law.____________,he decided to become an actor.

②I want to fly to Beijing ____________ taking a train.


③He didn’t answer me;instead,he asked me another question.

→He asked me another question ____________ answering me.

3.look forward to期望,盼望(to為介詞)

They look forward to a time when their avatar will act like a real person and travel around bigger,more exciting virtual worlds.(教材P9)


[短語記牢] 記牢下列短語

look into 往……里看;調查

look out  向外看;當心;小心

look up to  仰視;尊敬;贊賞

look down on/upon  俯視;輕視;看不起

look through  瀏覽;仔細查看

①We’re really looking forward to seeing you again.


②Her parents tell her not to look down upon/on countrymen.


③Look through this proposal for me,and tell me what you think of it.


... ... ...


1.They also experiment with things like different hairstyles—which says a lot,perhaps,about what they want to look like.(教材P9)他們也會嘗試像不同的發型這樣的事情,這很可能會體現他們理想中的樣子。

[句式解讀] 句中“what they want to look like”為what引導的賓語從句,what在從句中作賓語。



①They don’t know what happened.


②You can’t imagine what he was ten years ago.


③I don’t know what books he likes reading.


[鞏固內化] 單句語法填空

①I don’t know ____________ I should buy for Father’s Day.

②Reading her biography,I was lost in admiration for ____________ Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.

③I think ____________ impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.

2.Some users worry that they are spending so much time in virtual worlds that they are becoming afraid of meeting people in the real world.(教材P9)


 [句式解讀] 句中“so much time...that...”為“so...that...”結構。



①He was so foolish that he accepted her invitation.


②It is so good a camping spot that I’d like to go there again.


③There were so few guests that the host felt sad.


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Information Technology PPT,第五部分內容:語法整體突破



過去將來時表示從過去某個時間看將要發生的動作或存在的狀態,常用于賓語從句或間接引語中。過去將來時常用“should/would+動詞原形”或“was/were going to+動詞原形”來表達。

[合作探究] 畫出下列句子中的過去將來時

示例:I asked if he would come and fix my TV set.

①He asked me yesterday when I should leave for Paris.

②They wanted to know how they would finish the homework earlier.

③I wish I would go with him to the cinema tonight.

④I was told that he was going to return home.

⑤He said that he would wait for me at the school gate.






He said that he would wait for us at the bus stop.他說他要在車站等我們的。 

Whenever we had trouble, he would come to help us.


I didn’t know when she would come,but when she came I would let you know.


The teacher said that it would be very difficult to make progress if I didn’t work hard.


We were going to go to the cinema when the phone rang.





(3)was/were going to do表示____________、計劃做某事,或將要發生某事。

[名師提醒] 表示過去的某種習慣性行為,只用____________。



I couldn’t go to Tom’s birthday party as I was about to go to hospital.


He was on the point of leaving when we came in.


A lot of people were coming to watch the fireworks.


She told her mother that she was going to a dance with Tom.


She said she was to take up the position.


The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago.


What was meant to be a funny story fell completely flat.


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