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《Information Technology》SectionⅤ PPT

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《Information Technology》SectionⅤ PPT



1.They expressed their dissent (異議) from official ____________(政策).

2.The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the ____________(位置)is perfect.

3.I object to our ____________ (private) being invaded.

4.It was ____________(amaze) that he knew nothing about the event.

5.The boy’s fears were only ____________ (imagine).

6.Chinese is an ____________ (option) course to students in our school.

7.He is an explorer rather than a ____________ (sail).

8.The information should be ____________ (access) to all.


1.Beijing dialect _____________________________(和……無共同之處)   Shanghai dialect.

2.Looking back, many ___________________ (對……吃驚)the role that chance played in their lives.

3.Please click on the image to ________________(拉近)after selecting one of the following images.

4.The teacher made a joke and the class ________________(活躍起來)immediately.

5.When we moved to France, the children ________________(適應)the change well.

6.Breathe in, and breathe out, and ________________(注意)your breath as it comes in and goes out.


1.That’s why I believe that books about foreign cultures or imaginary worlds are the best!這就是我認為關于外國文化或虛幻世界的書是最好的原因!

[仿寫] 這就是我被邀請來在你們的畢業典禮上演講的原因。

________________ I was invited to speak at your graduation.

2.It also makes the art accessible to the world, while protecting the original artworks for the future.


[仿寫] 做作業時別聽收音機。

Don’t listen to the radio ________________________________.

... ... ...


1.名詞后綴:-tion, -cy, -or

①locate (v.)→location (n.)

②contribute (v.) →contribution (n.)

③private (adj.) →privacy (n.)

④fluent (adj.)→fluency (n.)

⑤sail (v.)→sailor (n.)

2.形容詞后綴:-ing, -ary,-al, -ible

①amaze (v.) →amazing (adj.)

②interest (v.)→interesting (adj.)

③imagine (v.)→imaginary (adj.)

④revolution (n.)→revolutionary (adj.)

⑤option (n.)→optional (adj.)

⑥access (v.)→accessible (adj.)


1.“That’s why...”為固定句型,意為“那就是……的原因”。

2.while doing...狀語從句的省略。

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Information Technology PPT,第二部分內容:課文整體突破

1.amazing adj.了不起的;驚人的 amazed adj. 驚奇的

In my opinion, the author did an amazing job of creating a whole new world through this book.(教材P18)


[合作探究] 體會amaze及其派生詞的用法和意義

It’s amazing that so many people came to these meetings.


I am amazed to see you here.在這兒看見你我感到驚奇。

To their amazement,their parents were amazed at the amazing news that their last CD sold over two million copies.



①It is amazing ____________... 令人驚奇的是……

②be amazed ____________ sth  對做某事感到驚奇

③be amazed ____________  對……感到驚奇

④____________ one’s amazement  令某人驚奇的是



[鞏固內化] 單句語法填空

①It was the most ____________ (amaze) experience in my life.

②More and more, I found myself ____________ (amaze) at how she saw the world.

③____________ her amazement,he was still alive.

④It is amazing ____________ all fish can live together peacefully.

2.prefer vt.寧愿(要);更喜歡

Do you prefer reading printed books or digital ones?(教材P20)


[合作探究] 體會prefer的用法和意義

I prefer to work/working in the mountainous area.我更喜歡在山區工作。

I’d prefer you to drive, if you don’t mind.


I prefer to read while my wife prefers singing to reading.


I prefer to live simply rather than waste the limited resources.



①prefer to ____________ sth更喜歡做……

②prefer sb ____________  喜歡讓某人做……

③prefer (doing) sth to ____________ sth  喜歡(做)……而不喜歡(做)……

④prefer to do rather than ____________  寧愿……而不愿

[思考] 表示“寧愿做……而不愿做……”的短語有哪些?

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