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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 魯科版五年級英語下冊 > 《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT

《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT

《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT 詳細介紹:

《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT

《What did you do in the holidays?》Winter Holidays PPT,共33頁。

Free talk:

How were your winter holidays?

Wonderful! 很精彩。

Great! 好極了。

So so. 一般般。

Look, our friends Wang Hong, Li Ming and Peter are back to school now. 

What are they talking about?

... ... ...

Let’s fill in the blanks.(填空)

What did you do in the holidays, Peter?

I went back to _______. 

I ________ my friends and __________________.

What did you do in the holidays?

I learned Beijing Opera.

I went to Hainan.

I went back to Canada.

... ... ...

A: How were your winter holidays?

B: Wonderful! / Great! / So so.

A: What did you do in the holidays?

B: I went to ...

A: Did you enjoy your holidays?

B: Yes, I did.

關鍵詞:魯科版英語五年級下冊PPT課件免費下載,What did you do in the holidays? PPT下載,Winter Holidays PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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