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《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件

《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件 詳細介紹:

《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件

《How can we keep healthy?》Health PPT課件,共27頁。

health   healthy

Coffee is bad for our___________.

How can we  keep    ____________?

Let’s enjoy.

How can we keep healthy?

... ... ...

Look and judge. 

How can we keep healthy?

What should we do ?

We should do sports every day. We should have enough sleep.

It makes us healthy and strong.

Enough sleep means going to bed early and getting up early.

Children should sleep more than(多于) nine hours(小時)every day. 

Enough sleep is very important(重要)for everyone. 

Idiom(俗語): Bed is medicine.

... ... ...


1.Read the passage .

2.Underline the key points.

3.Fill in the tables.

Read the passage and fill.

How can we keep healthy? We should eat_______ and vegetables every day. We_______ eat too much junk food. We should have enough______. We shouldn’t go to bed late. We should do sports every day. It makes us ______ and strong. We  shouldn’t play computer games too long. It’s ________ for our eyes.

... ... ...

Reading methods:閱讀方法

1、Underline(劃線) the key points.

2、Put them in the table(表格).

We can understand the passage easily(容易).


Tell your parents and friends how we can keep healthy.

關鍵詞:魯科版英語五年級下冊PPT課件免費下載,How can we keep healthy? PPT下載,Health PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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