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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 魯科版五年級英語下冊 > 《They are having lots of fun》Neighbourhood PPT

《They are having lots of fun》Neighbourhood PPT

《They are having lots of fun》Neighbourhood PPT 詳細介紹:

《They are having lots of fun》Neighbourhood PPT《They are having lots of fun》Neighbourhood PPT《They are having lots of fun》Neighbourhood PPT

《They are having lots of fun》Neighbourhood PPT,共11頁。

What are they doing?

What do you do on Sunday?

play the piano

play the erhu

play basketball

make things





sing Beijing Opera

Do taijiquan

... ... ...

Read the text and answer question.讀課文,回答問題

Are they having lots of fun? 


Yes ,they are.

Read the first paragraph and answer.讀課文第一段,回答問題

When is it? 

It’s Sunday morning.

How are the people? 

They are enjoying themselves.

... ... ...

Choose and talk

For example:

There are many people in the park.

They are enjoying themselves.

關鍵詞:魯科版英語五年級下冊PPT課件免費下載,They are having lots of fun PPT下載,Neighbourhood PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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