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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 魯科版五年級英語下冊 > 《There is a river near the village》Country Life MP3音頻課件

《There is a river near the village》Country Life MP3音頻課件

《There is a river near the village》Country Life MP3音頻課件 詳細介紹:

《There is a river near the village》Country Life MP3課文朗讀音頻課件

關鍵詞:魯科版英語五年級下冊MP3音頻課件免費下載,There is a river near the village MP3下載,Country Life MP3下載,.MP3格式;

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  • 《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT課件(第2課時)

    《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT課件(第2課時)

    魯科版五年級英語下冊《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT課件(第2課時),共15頁。 情景交際。 1. 你看到一棵樹上有很多鳥,你可以說: ___ A. There are many birds in the tree. B. There are many ducks in the river. 2.你想知道河里..

  • 《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT課件(第1課時)

    《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT課件(第1課時)

    魯科版五年級英語下冊《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT課件(第1課時),共35頁。 Presentation They play happily every day. There is a long river. There is a small village. We have a beautiful house. There are some ducks in..

  • 《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT

    《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT

    《There is a river near the village》Country Life PPT,共18頁。 你能用There is或There are來描述下面的圖片嗎? There is a supermarket. There is a bookshop. There is a school. There are three dogs. There are five houses. There are many trees..


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